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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 17/06/17


(1)冲裁模 沿封闭或敞开的轮廓线使材料产生分离的模具。如落料模、冲孔模、切断模、切口模、切边模、剖切模等。
(2)弯曲模 使板料毛坯或其他坯料沿着直线(弯曲线)产生弯曲变形,从而获得一定角度和形状的工件的模具。
(3)拉深模 是把板料毛坯制成开口空心件,或使空心件进一步改变形状和尺寸的模具。
(4)成形模 是将毛坯或半成品工件按图凸、凹模的形状直接复制成形,而材料本身仅产生局部塑性变形的模具。如胀形模、缩口模、扩口模、起伏成形模、翻边模、整形模等。

Die Life of cold stamping die and improvements
Overview of stamping die
Stamping Die - Stamping in the cold, the material (metal or non-metallic) processing into parts (or half) of a special technical equipment, called cold stamping die (commonly known as Die). Press - is at room temperature, using the die installed in the press to put pressure on the material to produce a separation or plastic deformation, and thus to obtain the necessary parts of a pressure processing method.
Stamping die in the form of many, the general categories according to the following main features:
1. According to the technical nature of
(1) Die along the closed or open contour the material are derived from mold. If blanking die, punch die, cut off the mold, cut mode, cutting mode, split mode, etc..
(2) bending mode to blank or blank sheet along a straight line (curved line) to bend, deform, and thus obtain a certain angle and shape of the workpiece in the mold.
(3) The drawing die is made of the blank sheet opening hollow, or hollow pieces of further changes to the shape and size of the mold.
(4) Die rough or semi-finished workpiece is convex according to plan, direct copy the shape of the die shape, the material itself, generate only local plastic deformation of the mold. Such as the bulging mode, reducing the die, expansion die, forming die rolling, flanging mold, plastic mold.

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