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以下为论文的一部分,钻石会员可获取全部内容。 查看如何成为

 摘  要:今天,随着电脑的普及和网络技术的快速发展和网络时代的来临,经济全球一体化,个性化与数字化生存的概念一夜之间成为了一种潮流,一浪胜过一浪的不断的冲击着人们的思想和生活。人们可以通过电脑就可以与人交流,同时也可以很快的了解对方或者是展现自我。因为他们可以通过在网上直接进入对方的信息板块,获得对方的信息。比如象个人的网页和QQ空间及博客等等,这样只要打开相应的网页就可以了解对方的一些个人信息。在此,我主要通过自己的经历和创作经验来介绍一下个人网页制作过程中FLASH的应用。

 关键词:FLASH; 个人网页; 应用; 制作

 Abstract:Today, along with computer of universality and network technique of fast development and network ages of approach, economy world the integral whole turn, characteristic and numeral turn existence of concept of a night became a kind of current, a wave excel one wave of continuously of pound at people of thought and life.People can pass a computer can with person exchanges, also in the meantime can very quick of understanding the other party perhaps is recommend ego.Because they can pass to go forward into the information tectonic plate of the other party in the net, direct acquire the information of the other party.For example the elephant personal web page and QQ space and blog etc., so as long as open to correspond of web page can understanding some personal information of the other party.Here, I be main to pass oneself of experience and creations experience to introduction once personal web page creation the FLASH in the process of application.

 Key words:FLASH; Personal web page; Application; Manufacture

目  录
摘  要


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