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Single controlled axis lathe mill

来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 10/06/14
Abstract This work presents a method for machining
complexthree-dimensional surfaces usingonly oneaxis of
controlled motion for positioning a cutting tool on a
specially designed numerically controlled (NC) machine.
This single controlled axis lathe is configured like a lathe,
but is used to produce complex sculptured surfaces out of
wood. This is accomplished by mechanically linking two
path with constant step-over distance. As the linked axes
are rotated, their location is measured by an encoder and
passed directly to a personal computer (PC). Software
running on the PC determines the depth of the computer-
controlled axis. The depth information is used to control
the depth axis. Several test pieces have been machined out
of cedar for evaluating the method.




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