1.1 本设备的主要作用
关键字:专用铣床; 粉碎机下机体 ;龙门式铣床; 支承面铣削
1.1 equipment major role
Metal-cutting machine tools is the method of cutting metal blank increase the machine parts into the machine, which is manufactured machinery of machinery. The mill equipment that is under the body of Miller, Taiwan is one of the milling under the body of the bearing surface and the surface on both sides specially designed gantry-type milling machine structure. Its main role is to carry out two for surface and profile milling, raising two parallel for the degree of surface and cutting speed. As special milling machine, but also other forms to be completed surface milling, have some commonality.
1.2 Design of the practical significance of this issue
The actual production of an exclusive category of machine design issues. Subject from Yantai City mill plant. Agricultural production plant Hammermill market demand, in addition to the domestic market, has been exported to Asia. African and other Third World countries. The plant of township enterprises, small agricultural machinery factory, and aging equipment, poor production conditions, the mill airframes, processing machines covered plane still using inefficient Shaper Planing plane processing, serious impact on product quality and production efficiency further improved. Therefore, the factory is an urgent need to change the existing production conditions, enhancing production efficiency and improve product quality in the technology, in order to achieve an annual output of 12,000 Taiwan production levels. Body bearing surface milling machine dedicated factory design is the technological transformation of one of the key projects. "Milling-generation gear to" manufacturing technology, can significantly improve the mill''s production quality and efficiency, so that the rate of qualified products increase in the market with strong competition, thereby increasing the overall economic efficiency of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises must design a special milling machine to adapt to the development of enterprises. Thus, the productivity of enterprises and the quality of products now have higher requirements. The enterprise in order to adapt to the development of science and technology, in the fierce competition gives way to the need to improve production technology. Therefore, enterprises need to design a more efficient, and high-quality processing of the components of the machine.
1.3 The purpose of the design
Through the process of teaching graduate design, to cultivate the students with the right design and method of making modern design, enable students to the integrated use of multidisciplinary theory, knowledge and skills, and solve certain complex engineering problems, and to develop students to practice the courage to explore and develop the spirit of innovation. Another graduate design or measure the quality of higher education and management efficiency as an important evaluation.
Keywords : special milling machine ; broken body under the machine ; gantry milling machine ; bearing surface .