摘 要
关键词 易拉式瓶盖;凸轮定位器;板式输送链;AUTOCAD
Along with the technical development of science, and the development of the packing industry and aim at currently on the market a cover use, especially a cover that wet goods use is also to open inconvenient, so not a few factories house produced a kind of easily the pull type bottle cover。This topic is to aim at currently on the market use a kind of easily the pull type bottle cover, preparing to study a kind of pull the cover and mats to position the machine to resolve the this kind bottle cover currently of fixed position problem.
This design is mainly while guide the teacher''s help, the cam fixed position machine that applied oneself design to complete the main part that a bottle of cover and the mat fixed position compress tightly the design, among them include the chain plank type to transport the machine to transport to pull the cover, the cam fixed position machine fixed position, common for next move with pull to cover the mat slice of combination provide the accurate fixed position.
Design the work obtain of main result have following few aspectses:
1. Complete the mat project establishment of slice transport and fixed position.
2.Complete the project of pull the cover fixed position machine establishment.
3.Design, be subjected to the dint analysis and exercise to analyze and compute to the structure of each parts of spare parts that positions the machine to need.
4. Completes the bottle pad feed mechanism the plan formulation;
5.Produces each part of components structural design, stress analysis,movement analysis and computation which the organization needs;
6.Completes the organization design with the AUTOCAD2004 Chinese edition the computer cartography.
The application value of this design is can give currently easily the production factory house of a cover of pull type provide some pull the cover and the mat slice to position of inspire, can also be the formal design drive adopt but apply to produce in the actuality.
Keywords easy pull type bottle cap; the cam the localizer; apron conveyer; AUTOCAD
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
第 1 章 前 言 3
1.1 本设计的目的和意义 3
1.1.1 本设计的目的 3
1.1.2 本设计的意义 3
1.2 本设计的技术要求 3
1.2.1 垫的尺寸要求 3
1.2.2 垫的定位效率和送料机构的效率 3
1.3 本设计的发展状况 4
1.3.1 国内发展状况 4
1.3.2 国外发展状况 4
1.4 本设计存在的难点问题 4
1.5 本设计的指导思想 4
1.6 本设计拟解决的关键问题 4
第 2 章 设计方案 5
2.1 设计的总体方案 5
2.1.1 总方案的简述 5
2.1.2 传动机构简述 5
2.1.3 垫的输送机构和垫定位机构的简述 5
2.2 与其他方案的比较 5
2.2.1 方案原理以及方案的论证 5
2.2.2 方案的比较 6
第 3 章 设计说明 7
3.1 传动装置的选择 7
3.1.1 链传动 7
3.1.2 带传动和齿轮传动 7
3.1.3 电动机的选择 7
3.2 确定传动装置的总传动比和分配传动比 9
3.2.1 总传动比和分配传动比 9
3.3 传动装置的选择 9
3.3.1 带轮的设计 9
3.3.2 链轮的设计 13
3.4 锥齿轮的传动的强度校核和凸轮设计 14
3.4.1 锥齿轮传动的强度校核 14
3.4.2 凸轮设计 19
3.5 轴的校核以及轴承的校核 20
3.5.1 轴的校核 20
3.5.2 轴承校核 28
结 论 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 33