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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 10/06/14

本设计提出了一种利用煤矸石直接填充采空巷道的煤矿专用矸石回填机械设备,以解决开采沉陷对地面建筑物以及工农业生产的影响问题与煤矸石升井后在地面堆放对环境产生危害的问题,此设备还可以适应采煤巷道的矸石充填以及对 “三下”(水下、道路下、建筑物下)压煤开采后填充这一煤炭行业面临的共性难题。





he design advances an equipment of direct use of coal gangue-filled air roadway in a coal mine waste rock backfill for machinery , to solve the problem of mining subsidence on the surface buildings and the impact of industrial and agricultural production and the harm to the environment issue that gangue on the ground well after piling up . This equipment can also adapt to the coal mining roadway and filling the "three" (underwater, roads, buildings under), the common problems of pressuring after the filling which the coal industry faces.

This equipment is made up of five major components, it supports from all the top, and the other for major components are the frame, to table, Projectile and the retractable belt conveyor .As for the use of hydraulic power source to power hydraulic cylinders for the implementation of components, machinery to achieve the movement and transfer partial, and the automatic control, makes waste backfill efficiency greatly improved. In addition, the waste rock backfill walking chassis greatly simplified, eliminating the reducer and a series of auxiliary components, reducing costs and improving the backfill for the smooth and mobility. T

Therefore, how to treat huge stocks of gangue is an urgent task faced coal mines. Treatment difficulties will be solved completely if gangue is used to fill underground emptied stopes as aggregate. At the same time, recovery rate of coal can be improved, safety pillar can be extracted, movement of layer can be restrained and ground surface can be protected. Suncun Coal Mine (SCM)


KeywordBackfilling of gangueHydraulic ControlFour bar ofAgencies

          Gangue or not Well

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