目 录
第一章 绪论 ········································ 1
1.1 问题的提出 ···································· 1
1.2介绍几种水仓清理的方式 ····························2
1.3主要优缺点 ···································· 9
1.4传统的清淤方法及特点 ························· 11
1.5新型清淤系统的工作原理及工艺流程 ·············· 12
2.1关于水仓有效容量 ····························· 18
2.2对于水仓设置的建议······························ 19
2.3目前现状 ···································· 21
2.4设计任务 ···································· 30
2.5设计的基本依据································ 31
第三章 机械传动系统设计 ························ 32
3.1 牵引力的计算····································32
3.3减速器的选用 ·································35
3.5轴承的选择:······································· 52
3.6其他部件的选择······································ 53
3.7模拟量输入块 ·····································55
3.8采用PLC 控制的概述·······························56
第四章 数据计算过程 ··································59
4.1程序设计 ········································ 60
目前,我国煤矿井下水仓清理有很多种方法,其效果较好的有:(1)清理机清理(2)水仓内铺设轨道,人工清理,矿车运载;(3)喷射泵与泥浆泵配合清理;(4)在水仓内铺设喷水管,中央水泵自动排出;(5)用压气排泥罐清理。。前三种方法需放净水仓中储水,空仓清理,所以占用时间较长,降低了水仓的利用率。(4)法淤泥经中央水泵排出,减少了水泵寿命并且容易造成度泵。(5)法水仓施工较困难。此外,后三种方法皆需要将泥浆排至地面处理。而处理、泥浆有需要很高的费用。煤矿井下水仓清淤方案的确定结合煤矿井下水仓的现场情况和刮板输送机的结构 ,对煤泥进行了采样及物理实验分析 ,确定了煤矿井下水仓自动化清淤的系统方案 ,其结构与矿井使用的刮板输送机结构相似 ,其连接、安装、尺寸、动力、控制在刮板输送机设计基础上又做了大量优化设计和优化实验 ,可行性好 ,可靠性高。
At present, China''s coal mine water clean-up positions there are many ways, its better-performing: (1) cleaning machine clean-up (2) of water stored in the laying of tracks, artificial cleared mine car carrying (3) jet pump and mud pump With clean-up (4) in the water stored in the laying of water pipe, water pumps automatically from the central (5) with pressure gas tank clean-up sludge. . The first three water purification methods to be put in storage warehouses, Kongcang liquidation, occupying a longer time, lower utilization of the water stores. (4) of mud from the central pumps to reduce the pump and easy for the life of the pump. (5) construction of water more difficult position. In addition, after three methods are necessary to deal with mud row to the ground. And processing, the mud there is a need high cost. Mine water Wharf dredging programme with the determination of coal mine water stores at the scene and scraper conveyor structure, a sample of the slime and physical experiments to determine the coal mine water dredging of the warehouse automation system solutions, Mine structure and the use of the scraper conveyor structure similar to its connection, installation, size, power and control in the scraper conveyor on the basis of the design and optimization done a lot of experimental design and optimization, feasibility and reliability high.
Structural components
System-wide settlement from the collection tank, the collection, nose-driven devices, high-frequency devices and automatic control box dehydration