论文编号:JX1508 论文字数:20129.页数:47 附任务书,开题报告,实习报告,外文翻译,CAD图,PPT
600)makesmallpic(this,600,1800);'' src="http://myeducs.cnm/upload_files/article/44/7062_20111222141205_9hpex.png" width="421" height="342" border="0" title="缠绕式提升机设计文件截图.png" />600)makesmallpic(this,600,1800);'' src="http://myeducs.cnm/upload_files/article/44/7062_20111222141212_ayyh0.png" width="438" height="313" border="0" title="缠绕式提升机设计装配图.png" />
摘 要
关键词:缠绕式矿井提升机, 减速器, 电动机,联轴器
Currently, the coil type induction-motor-driven hoist adjustable rope, change, change thecontainer maintenace work suspension clamp, mostly use rope clamps, auxiliary winch used asauxiliary equipment. This method is long and large amounts of production, low efficiency anddangerous effects, mine production, so it is necessary to improve methods, improve efficiency.This paper designs a set of wire coil type induction-motor-driven hoist devices. This device ismainly composed of spindle unit, coupling and reducer, brake, the main components of thedesign of hoist device, the spindle speed reducer and brake system is special product, supportingthe motor can be flexibly choice. This machine can be used, the maintenance and inspection etcsystem and improve the efficiency of the machine. The design of the coil type induction-motordrivenhoist is characteristic of simple structure, evenly, smooth operation, small friction, lowcost, high efficiency, easy maintenance etc, and has a strong adaptability.The designing mainly put particular emphasis on silo hoisting system , includes: to choose the lifting hold、to choose the hoist steel wire rope、 to choose the hoister、 to choose the relatives of the hoister、 to choose the dynamics of the hoister、to choose the electromotor.
Keywords: Winding machine reducer electric motor coupler
1 摘 要 1
1 绪论 3
2 提升机的发展及主要结构 5
2.1 概述 5
2.2 单绳缠绕式提升机的主要结构与工作原理 6
2.2.1 主轴装置 6
2.2.2 盘形制动器装置 6
2.2.3 减速器 7
2.2.4 联轴器 7
3 单绳缠绕式提升机的设计计算 9
3.1 设计依据 9
3.2 设计过程 9
3.2.1 箕斗的选定 9
3.2.2 提升钢丝绳的选择 13
3.2.3 提升机卷筒的选择 14
3.2.4 天轮的选择 15
3.2.5 提升机与井筒的相对位置 15
3.2.6 预选提升电动机 19
3.2.7 计算传动装置的总传动比并分配传动比 19
3.2.8 主轴输入功率及轴径的确定 20
3.2.9 根据轴径确定主轴部分的安装轴承 21
3.2.10 减速器的设计 21
3.2.11 联轴器的设计 26
3.2.12 提升机各部分键的选择 27
3.2.13 制动器的设计 29
4 提升设备的运动学及动力学计算 31
4.1 提升系统变位质量的计算 31
4.2 提升加速度的确定 32
4.3 提升减速度的确定 33
4.4 六阶段速度图参数的计算 34
4.5 提升设备的动力学计算 36
4.6 提升电动机容量的计算 38
4.7 提升设备的电耗及效率的计算 40
5 产品空转运行 42
6 结束语 43
7 参考文献 44
8致谢 45