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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 13/10/04


摘 要
 近年来随着计算机在社会领域的渗透, 单片机的应用正在不断地走向深入,同时带动传统控制检测日新月益更新。在实时检测和自动控制的单片机应用系统中,单片机往往是作为一个核心部件来使用,仅单片机方面知识是不够的,还应根据具体硬件结构,以及具体应用对象特点的软件结合,以作完善。
 本文从硬件和软件两方面来讲述水温自动控制过程,在控制过程中主要应用AT89C51、ADC0809、LED显示器、LM324比较器,而主要是通过 DS18B20数字温度传感器采集环境温度,以单片机为核心控制部件,并通过四位数码管显示实时温度的一种数字温度计。软件方面采用汇编语言来进行程序设计,使指令的执行速度快,节省存储空间。为了便于扩展和更改,软件的设计采用模块化结构,使程序设计的逻辑关系更加简洁明了,使硬件在软件的控制下协调运作。



 In recent years, with the computer penetration in the social field, the application of SCM is to keep at the same time, traditional control testing update on Crescent benefits. In real-time detection and automatic control system of single-chip applications, often as a single-chip core component to use only single-chip is not enough knowledge, but also the specific hardware structure and the specific features of application software objects combine to make perfect.
 In this paper, both hardware and software for automatic control of water temperature on the process, in the control of the main application of the process of AT89C51, ADC0809, LED display, LM324 comparator, but mainly through the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 collecting ambient temperature to single-chip microcomputer as the core control components, and through four real-time digital display of a digital thermometer temperature. Software using assembly language for programming, so that the implementation of Directive speed, to save storage space. In order to facilitate the expansion and changes to the design of modular software structure, so that the logic of the relationship between program design more concise,Hardware software co-operation under the control of it.
 And systematic process is: First of all, by setting the button, set the thermostat temperature at the time of operation, and digital display of the temperature. Then, in the running temperature of the process of sampling analog into the A / D converter in the simulation - digital converter, and then converted digital control with digital display, the last single-chip microcomputer to control the heater used for heating or stop heating until the temperature in the provisions under the constant temperature heating.

Key words:Single-chip microcomputer system ;Sensor;Data Acquisition;ADC;Temperature

目 录
第1章 绪




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