【关键词】 | 回转类零件; 粗切循环; 自动编程; 自由曲线轮廓; |
【英文关键词】 | Rotational parts\ \ Rough cutting cycle\ \ Automated NC programming\ \ Arbitrary curve profile; |
【摘要】 | 建立了回转类零件轮廓的统一表达模型,并在此基础上设计了纵切、横切、等轮廓切和凹轮廓切4种粗切循环方式。这4种粗切循环方式的算法能够统一地处理含有自由曲线轮廓的复杂零件。通过对4种粗切循环方式的合理选用以及整体与局部轮廓段粗切循环自动编程的灵活组合,可以有效地完成对各种复杂回转类零件的粗切加工。 |
【英文摘要】 | The unified profile representation model for rotational parts is established in this paper. The horizontal rough cutting, vertical rough cutting, profile offsetting rough cutting and concave profile rough cutting are introduced. The four algorithms are also adapted to the complex rotational parts including arbitrary curve. The rough cutting for various kinds of complex rotational parts can be efficiently completed by reasonable selection and flexible combination of the four rough cutting cycle. |