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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 10/06/14
本文简要阐述了基于故障树分析法和基于规则的故障诊断专家系统的基本原理,并在此基础上提出了将故障树和基于规则的诊断专家系统相结合的方法。利用故障树和正向推理相结合的方式,实现了对汽车一般性故障的诊断。该系统以Win2000为开发平台,Visual C++为编程语言,采用人工智能诊断方法和面向对象的程序设计方法,开发出了具有友好的用户界面和具有跟踪解释功能的汽车故障诊断专家系统,同时该系统还支持用户对数据库的维护,通过修改数据库,可以将该系统用于其他方面的故障诊断。
Automobile Fault Diagnosis Expert System
Expert system is the main field of the study of the application of Artificial Intelligence .It’s a program system which has a great quantity of specialized knowledge and experiences,it can imitate the expert to solve the field problem.
The paper briefly introduces the basic theorem of fault-tree analysis and rule-based diagnosis Expertsystem, brings up the method that combines the fault-tree with the rule-based diagnosis the way that combine the fault-tree and regular inference method, the system can diagnose the common breakdown of car.Under  Window2000 ,we used the  program language Visual C++6.0 ,applied the diagnostic method of Artificial Intelligence and the object-oriented programming design technology,to develop the fault diagnosis expert system for automobile,which has better man-machine interacted interface,and can takes track of the diagnosis process to give an explanation. Furthermore,  it also provides the function for user to modify the database.By modify the database, the system can also be used to other falt diagnosis.
As the development of the automobile industry,this kind diagnosis system will be very practical,and it’s application prospect is brightening,too.
Key words:  breakdown of car,fault tree,expert system, fault diagnosis
摘要 1
目录 3
前言 5
第一章 绪 论 6
1.1专家系统(EXPERT SYSTEM)概述 6
1.1.1 专家系统的类型 7
1.1.2故障诊断专家系统 7
1.2故障树分析法概述 8
1.2.1 故障树的建造 9
1.2.2建树的规则 11
1.3 基于规则的诊断专家系统的基本原理和结构 11
1.3.1 系统结构概述 12
1.4 故障树分析法与诊断专家系统的联系 16
第二章 系统概要设计 18
2.1 需求分析 18
2.2 系统开发环境简介 18
2.2.1 Visual C++简介 18
2.2.2 Access数据库简介 19
2.2.3 数据库接口技术 19
2.3 软件功能概述 20
2.4 系统总体设计 21
2.4.1 系统基本结构 21
2.4.2 用户界面设计 23
2.4.3推理流程设计 25
第三章 系统详细设计 26
3.1 引言 26
3.2 数据库设计 26
3.3知识获取及知识库的建立 31
3.3.1 知识库建立的步骤 31
3.3.2 知识库建立实例 32
3.4 故障码查询设计 37
3.5 故障诊断推理机制 38
3.6 追踪解释系统的设计 40
第四章 软件的测试与完善 41
4.1 软件测试 41
4.2 软件功能的完善 41
结论 43
致谢 45
参考文献 46
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