【关键词】 | 可编程控制器(PLC); 气动技术; 机械手; |
【英文关键词】 | Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)Pneumatic technic Manipulator; |
【摘要】 | 目前在许多中小型汽车生产企业中,往往冲压成形这一工序还需人工上下料,工人劳动强度大,生产效率低。本文叙述了一种由PLC控制的气动上下料机械手,该设备的特点是结构精巧,占地面积小,动作简捷,功能全,可靠性高。 |
【英文摘要】 | At present in many medium-sized factory that pro-duce automobile, in the procedure of die work it is usually done by human beings to load and unload sheet material . This makes the intension of work increase and production efficiency decrease.This paper states a manipulator controlled by PLC for loading and unloading sheet material. The characteristic of this equipment is its ingenuity of structure, small size, simple motion, complete function and high reliability. |