论文编号:JX1456 论文字数:23618.页数:65 附CAD图
600)makesmallpic(this,600,1800);'' src="http://myeducs.cnm/upload_files/article/44/7062_20111222161243_qo9hx.png" width="231" height="188" border="0" title="斜井提升机的箕斗设计文件截图.png" />600)makesmallpic(this,600,1800);'' src="http://myeducs.cnm/upload_files/article/44/7062_20111222161251_ns71h.png" width="241" height="171" border="0" title="斜井提升机的箕斗设计总装图.png" />
摘 要
关键词: 斜井箕斗;前卸式;卸载
With China''s coal production capacity continues to expand and mine design and manufacturing technology to improve gradually,modern shafts skip arise, for mine by use of ascending vessel large-scale and high reliability requirements。
Skip is one of the most common inclined mine hoist vessel, I designed the weight is about four tons before discharge type inclined skip. This structure is simple and applicable skip with small coal mine, economy, safety performance is high, and
reduce the cost of maintenance equipment, so basically use this kind of small domestic skip. To solve a lot of problems inclined ascension.
The paper introduces the downhole hoist before discharge type, skip ascension of all accessories, skip practicality and parts of the design and check content in China, and used in coal mine skip exist deficiencies and development trend are discussed.
Key words:Keyword shafts skip;Before discharge, Uninstall
目 录
第1章 绪论1
1.1 箕斗.1
1.2 箕斗的材料选取9
1.3 箕斗形式的选用9
1.4 国外箕斗现状.10
第2章 箕斗设计中的一些问题的探讨12
2.1 提升方式的选择.12
2.2 前卸式箕斗.14
2.3 卸载方式的分析与比较.14
2.3.1 无卸载轮式斜井箕斗14
2.3.2 有卸载轮式斜井箕斗15
2.4 总结分析.19
第3章 箕斗设计方案.20
3.1 设计目的及要求.20
3.2 了解箕斗的卸载原理与受力.20
3.2.1 无轮卸载20
3.2.2 有轮卸载22
3.3 总的方案提出.24
第4章 箕斗斗箱应力的实验研究25
4.1 实验设备模拟的基本原理.25
4.2 实验设备及实验方法.27
第5章 箕斗所受载荷分析.. .......29
5.1 箕斗自重与载重的关系.31
5.2 对箕斗设计容量的探讨.32
第6章 箕斗的相关计算34
6.1 已知.34
6.2 按额定载荷选择轴承.34
6.3 斗箱的计算.35
6.4 牵引框的计算.36
6.5 底架的计算.38
6.6 活动轨轮的计算.40
6.7 行走轮的计算.42