论文编号:BZ037 论文字数:12059.页数:28
摘 要:包装作为一次性使用物资,当产品完整到达消费者手中,并开始使用,包装也就失去了它存在的价值。对于如此短期的生命周期,它的大量废弃也是对资源的极大浪费。因此,如何尽量减少包装的废弃,减少对资源的耗费,也就成为包装设计的一个重要部分。
Abstract: As a one-time use of packaging materials, when the products reach the consumers a complete, and start using, packaging it lost its value. For such a short life cycle, it is also a large number of abandoned waste of resources. Therefore, how to minimize packaging waste and reduce the cost of resources, packaging design has become an important part.
For now the market demand of the notebook, in the transport and sale of its links are often caused by the quality and appearance of a certain degree of damage. The design of the study material from the buffer to start the final choice of EPE as a buffer material, understanding the characteristics of EPE, mechanical properties, structure and strength of the relationship between the mechanical analysis, design and anti-vibration design of the buffer to calculate the buffer pad notebook packaging accurate size, size CAD drawn plans to build three-dimensional model, and select a reasonable corrugated boxes, on the HP notebook computer system for transport packaging design.
Keywords:Notebook, EPE, cushion packing,Corrugated boxes, transport packaging
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1.前言 1
1.1缓冲包装的发展与现状 1
1.2缓冲包装设计存在的问题 2
1.3本课题的研究意义 3
2.缓冲材料 4
2.1缓冲材料的作用 4
2.2缓冲材料的分类 5
2.3缓冲材料的选择 9
3.缓冲包装设计 10
3.1缓冲包装设计的要求 10
3.2缓冲设计 11
3.3防振设计 14
3.4缓冲衬垫结构设计 15
4.外包装设计 18
4.1包装材料的选择 18
4.2瓦楞纸板的厚度设计 18
4.3外包装的尺寸设计 19
4.4包装件跌落试验 22
5.总结与展望 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26