论文编号:BZ004 论文字数:8989.页数:18
摘 要:本论文重点介绍了近几年来,电子信息产业已成为我国各工业部门中发展速度最快、产业规模最大、外贸出口最多、效益位居前列的重要支柱产业,并为我国包装行业赢来了新的发展机遇。我国电子信息产品包装已经取得了长足的进步,但在某些方面也存在着一些不容忽视的问题。电子产品的包装设计的功能即保护商品、便于搬运储存、有利于陈列销售并准确地传达商品信息,同时还不能忽略包装装潢的美观性和企业品牌形象,在设计时要运用美学原则,通过形态、色彩等因素的变化,将具有包装功能和外观美的电子产品包装容器造型,以视觉形式表现出来。对该系列电子产品的包装决定运用线条及色块等方式来表现流动感与跳跃感。同时利用文字设计、图形设计、色彩设计三个环节来突出其品牌形象。
Abstract: This article focuses on the past few years, electronic information industry has become the industrial sector of China''s fastest-growing in the industry''s largest export a maximum of efficiency the forefront of an important pillar industries, as well as China''s packaging industry to win new opportunities for development. China''s electronic information product packaging has been made great progress, but in some respects, there are still some issues that can not be ignored. Packaging design of electronic products to protect the function of goods, easy to carry storage, is conducive to the sale and display of goods and accurately convey information, but also not lose sight of the beautiful packaging and brand image, in the design to the use of aesthetic principles, the adoption of the form , color changes and other factors, will have a packaging function and appearance of the United States and electronic products packaging design to visual form. Electronic products in the series decided to use the packaging, such as lines and color to express the flow of flu and flu jumping. At the same time, the use of text design, graphic design, color design to highlight three aspects of its brand image.
Keywords:Electronic products; corrugated cardboard; text design; graphic design; color design
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1. 市场调查 1
1.1 公司简介 1
1.2 设计任务 1
1.3 电子产品包装调查 2
1.3.1 电子产品包装现状 2
1.3.2 电子产品包装存在的问题 2
1.3.3 电子产品包装未来趋势 3
1.4 瓦楞纸箱包装调查 4
2. 电子产品瓦楞纸箱包装设计 6
2.1 包装设计流程 6
2.2 瓦楞纸箱设计 6
2.3 印刷方式的选择 9
2.4 包装装潢设计创新点 10
3.设计总结 12
致谢 13
参考文献 14