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论文编号:SP119  论文字数:10574,页数:26


Abstract:With the developing of chemical industry and in-depth studying of chitosan, people found that chitosan has many excellent characteristics, which attracted more attention. In this topic prepared the chitosan L-lactic acid with high degree and low molecular of deacetylation, Aim to increase the concentration of ammonium by improving the degree of deacetylation Chitosan, and L-lactic acidifying at the same time; increasing the intensity of ammonium to further increase its water-soluble; small molecular Chitosan has good water-solubility, easy accessing to the bacterial cell membrane, thus enhancing its bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. We used phase transfer catalyst to improve the deacetylation of Chitosan, and the hydrogen peroxide degradation to reduce the molecular of Chitosan. High degree of deacetylation and low molecular Chitosan L-lactate which has good solubility in water has good antibacterial effects. It has broad prospection in the field of ophthalmic medication.

Key  words:  low molecular weight chitosan ;  high deacetylation degree ; Phase transfer catalyst ; hydrogen peroxide depolymerization ;

中文摘要 ............................................................I
英文摘要 ...........................................................II
目录 ..............................................................III
1 绪论 .......................................................................1
1.1 壳聚糖概论 .........................................................1
1.2 低聚壳聚糖的性质和应用 ......................................2
1.3 高脱乙酰度壳聚糖的制备研究进展 ..............................4
1.4 壳低聚塘制备研究进展 ........................................4
1.5脱乙酰度检测方法的研究进展 .................................. 6
2 实验内容 ..........................................................8
2.1实验仪器 .....................................................8
2.2 实验原料与试剂 ..............................................8
2.3 高脱乙酰度的壳聚糖的制备 ....................................8
2.4 壳聚糖脱乙酰度的测定方法 ....................................9
2.5 低分子量壳聚糖的制备........................................10
2.6 壳聚糖溶液分子量的测定方法 .................................11
2.7 低聚壳聚糖L-乳酸盐的制备 ..................................11
3 结果和分析 .......................................................12
3.1 酸碱滴定法与电位滴定法的比较 ...............................12
3.2 各因素对壳聚糖脱乙酰度的影响 ...............................14
3.3 壳聚糖分子量的变化 .........................................16
致谢 ...............................................................21
参考文献 ...........................................................22

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