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论文编号:BZ066  论文字数:6009.页数:15

摘 要:女性玩家所具有的购买力让游戏开发公司开始注重对女性消费群体的培养,运用女性玩家心理创造出适合于女性玩家的游戏。本作品采用交互式电子小说类型,全MAYA制作的3D场景结合精美2D人物的完美表现,给玩家全新视觉感受。旨在全新的氛围中感受下中华五千年历史的传承及经典。


Abstract: According to the pruchasing power of the female players, the game exploration company begins to put emphasis on the female consuming public and wants to creat new games adapted to the female players by exercising their mind. The works use the type of interactive electric noval and the prefect performance including the 3D scene design by MAYA and the 2D characters in order to give a new visual attack to the players. The company''s purpose is to let the players experience the chiniese 5000 years of history inheritance and classic under the new atmosphere.


目  录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1. 绪论 1
2. 女性向游戏 1
 2.1游戏界发展  1
 2.2女性向游戏特点 2
3. 游戏主题介绍 3
 3.1黑塔利亚  3
 3.2亚细亚 3
 3.3游戏背景设置 4
 3.4游戏类型 4
4.游戏产品设计 5
 4.1主标题LOGO设计 5
 4.2副标题设计 6
 4.3背景设计 6
 4.4CD盘面设计 7
 4.5说明书设计 7
 4.6游戏包装盒型设计 8
 5.设计感悟 8
致谢 10
参考文献 11

  • 上一篇资讯: 购物袋的附加价值研究
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