论文编号:HG126 论文字数:11855,页数:31
摘 要:本文对化工装置弹性分析理论进行了详细的研究,阐述了化工装置操作弹性分析的必要性和实用方法。选择精馏塔操作单元和某低温甲醇洗装置的甲醇精馏塔为试验研究对象,通过采用顶点法获取装置弹性操作系数,进行实现化工装置的弹性分析。论文的主要内容有:
Operational Flexibility Analysis of Chemical Plants
Abstract:Detailed research has been done on theory of feasibility analysis if Chemical plant in this paper,The methyl alcohol rectify tower which chooses unit and some low temperature methyl alcohol of the rectify tower operation and washes device is experiment research object, pass adopt the top method obtain and equip flexible operation coefficient, carrying on carrying out chemical engineering device of flexible analysis. which specifies the necessity and universal method of feasibility analysis Main content of the paper is as follows.
(1)Necessity of feasibility analysis of chemical plant has been specified. Comparison of different methods of resolution of the feasibility coefficients has been conducted, thus establishing the mathematics model with the index method.
(2)As an example, the feasibility of a methanol rectification tower in rectisol process and simple operation units has been analyzed and worked out with index method, as well as the feasible variation range of some uncertain parameters has been determined.
(3)The feasibility of Chemical plant is determined and the bottlenecks are found out based on the results of feasibility analysis, therefore the theoretical basis for retrofit of a plant is provided.
Get to draw a conclusion through this research: Set up the methyl alcohol rectify tower, adopted a top method to compute should equip of flexible analysis result, it can for should equip of expanding and producing the reformation provide to draw lessons from a function.
Keywords: flexibility analysis; index method; rectify tower;
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1.前言 1
1.1操作弹性发展背景 1
1.2操作弹性分析的目的 1
1.3弹性分析的意义 2
1.4弹性分析的发展方向 2
1.5精馏过程的操作原理 3
1.6本章小结 4
2.精馏塔的弹性分析模型 5
2.1精馏塔模型的建立 6
2.2精镏塔弹性分析模型 15
3.精馏塔弹性实例分析 18
4.总结与展望 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25