论文编号:BZ023 论文字数:18136.页数:34
摘 要:本论文介绍了一种新兴的识别技术——RFID技术,并结合传统物流配送中心面临的问题,详细阐述了该技术在物流配送中心中的主要应用。配送中心的设立主要为了完成物流中的配送作业,目前我国的配送中心大都采用条形码技术作为信息支持,信息录入过程中需要大量的人工干预,而且由于条码受损等因素很容易出错,效率很低。尤其对于连锁的零售业来说,货物杂、地域广,显然需要一种更快捷精准的信息载体。RFID标签凭借其体积小、抗污染力强、可重复使用而且信息获取过程中无需接触、一次可读取多个标签,安全精准等特点,迎合了现代化配送中心的需要。然而,一项新技术的发展必然也会带来新的问题,比如高昂的成本,信息安全等因素。借此篇幅我简要的探讨下RFID技术及其在配送中心的订单处理、存储、分拣等主要模块中的应用。和传统作业相比,它带来了哪些优势。本文侧重于应用,因此,有关RFID的较复杂的理论知识,我没有做太多的介绍,有兴趣的读者可参阅相关资料。
Abstract: This paper introduces a new kind of identification technology wihch is called RFID technology,and combined with the problems faced by the traditional logistics distribution center, the technology described in detail in the main application of logistics distribution center. The establishment of the main distribution center is to complete the logistics distribution operations,currently most of our distribution center for information using bar code technology for supporting,information entry process requires a lot of manual intervention, but factors such as damaged bar codes are error-prone, inefficient . Especially for the retail chain, the cargo complex and vast territory, a clear need for a more efficient and accurate information carrier.The RFID tags with its small size, strong anti-pollution, reusable process and access to information without contact with, one can read multiple tags, security, accuracy, etc., to meet the needs of modern distribution centers.However, the development of a new technology will inevitably bring new problems, such as high costs, information security and other factors.So I briefly explore the space to under the RFID technology and its order processing in distribution centers, storage, sorting and other major modules of the application. Compared to traditional operations, what advantages it brings. This article focuses on the application, therefore, the RFID of the more complex theoretical knowledge, I did not do too much introduction, interested readers may refer to the relevant information.
Keywords:Distribution center,RFID,Information technology
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1. 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景与意义 1
1.2 配送中心的定义 1
1.3 RFID技术的形成和发展 5
1.4 RFID成为配送中心的新引擎 6
2. RFID应用系统的主要组成 7
2.1 RFID的主要工作原理 7
2.2 RFID应用系统的主要组成部分 7
3. RFID在配送中心的应用 14
3.1 整个供应链的流程设计 14
3.2 基于RFID的主要模块流程设计 15
3.3 RFID应用案例分析 21
4. 结论与展望 29
致谢 31
参考文献 32