论文编号:HG031 论文字数:13025,页数:38,有开题报告,文献综述
关键词: 膜法除硝,预处理,工艺设计。
Abstract: In order to further reduce costs, avoid the toxic operating, chemical companies in a brine purification process using new technology membrane to replace the barium method ,which solve the barium chloride toxic, the shortcomings of higher prices. Membrane in three phases, This stage of pre-processing stage for the purpose of conveying to the membrane filtration unit qualified dechlorination of brine. Saline needs to achieve the following targets: temperature 40 ~ 50 ℃, pH = 3.5 ~ 5.0, free chlorine is zero, the flow stability
Keywords: Membrane addition to denitrification, pre-processing, process design.
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1立题依据及目的意义 1
1.2 国内外除硝的研究现状 2
1.3 成本的比较 3
1.4膜法除硝的的特点 5
第二章 工艺设计 6
2.1工艺路线设计 6
2.1.1整体工艺设计流程图 6
2.1.2本工艺的设计流程 7
2.1.3安全卫生措施 8
2.2工艺的设计计算 11
2.2.1工艺设计的物料衡算 11
2.2.2工艺设计的能量衡算以及设备选型 12
2.3设备清单 30
参考文献 32
附表 33
附表1 各板面积组成的板式换热器处理量 33
附表2 板式换热器选型计算各公式符号的意义及单位 33
附表3 Maslov传热板片M值 34
致 谢 35