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论文编号:HG027  论文字数:13024,页数:33

摘 要

 其次,通过乙炔生产方法的对比,确定了其工艺流程。根据设计任务书,通过对PVC树脂的配套乙炔的原料投入量,进行物料衡算得出剩余固体物质质量2.2×104 kg,加水总量1.63×105kg,通过能量衡算得出电石水解放出总能量1.72×107KJ。最后,进行了设备计算及选型,最终确定:三个乙炔发生器,三个泥浆分离器,三个正水封(Ф1700×1700),三个逆水封(Ф1000×1300),一个气柜(Ф6000×400)等。


 This designed is designe the corresponding acetylene of yield 100000 ton PVC material per year.The thesis makes a general review on the properties and industrial application of PVC materials, produce technics,happen working procedure flow, the thesis discussed the industrial application of PVC materials at home and abroad,the future fabrication techniques and potential application of PVC materials status.
 After the material all the weight of solid is 2.2×104 hyrgyzstan and energy all the energy of hydrolyze acetylene release 1.72×107 kilo joule translation process of acetylene stuff during the PVC fabrication process have been calculated.By count of results separate to select equipments:acetylene generator have three,slurry mud separator have three,correctitude water cabinet have three(diameter is 1700 millimeter,the height is 1700 millimeter),contradictorily water cabinet have three(diameter is 1000 millimeters,the height is 1300 millimeters),gas  cupboard have one(diameter is 5.12 meters the height is 4.00 meters)the other of equipment selection is done successfully.
Key words:PVC material,acetylene generator,calculation of material translation   calculation of energy ,translation,equipment selection

目  录

第一章  文献综述 1
1.1 概述 1
1.1.1 基本概念 1
1.1.2 材料性能 1
1.1.3 用途 1
1.1.4 PVC生产原料来源 1
1.2 PVC的国内外发展状况 12
1.2.1 国际PVC市场状况 12
1.2.2 国际PVC消费状况 14
1.2.3 国内PVC市场状况 15
1.2.4 国内PVC消费状况 15
1.3乙炔生产工艺路线 9
1.3.1 干式发生工艺 9
1.3.2 湿式发生工艺 10
1.3.3煤裂解制乙炔 11
1.3.4天然气解制乙炔 11
1.4 乙炔生产过程中的三废及其处理措施 15
1.5乙炔发生工序工艺设计安全规则 15
第二章 工艺流程的确定 1
2.1 PVC工艺流程简述 18
2.2乙炔发生的生产原理 15
2.3乙炔发生工艺流程的确定 15
第三章  物料衡算及能量衡算 1
3.1设计依据 15
3.2物料衡算 15
 3.2.1乙炔站总物料衡算 15
 3.2.2乙炔发生器物料衡算 15
 3.2.3水洗、清静、冷却等系统物料衡算 15
 3.2.4乙炔发生、冷却系统的水平衡 15
3.3能量衡算 15
 3.3.1输入热量计算  15
 3.3.2输出热量计算 15
 3.3.3设备管道热损失计算 15
第四章 设备计算及设备选型 25
4.1 乙炔发生器的选型 25
4.1.1发生器圆筒直径 25
4.1.2 发生器高度 25
4.2 泥浆分离器的选型 26
4.2.1泥浆分离器直径 26
4.2.2泥浆分离器高度 28
4.3 正水封计算 28
4.3.1 正水封直径计算 28
4.3.2  正水封高度的计算 29
4.4 逆水封计算 30
4.4.1  逆水封直径计算 30
4.4.2  逆水封高度的计算 30
4.5 气柜的选型 31
设备一览表 32
总  结 33
参考文献 34
致  谢 35

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