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论文编号:HG029  论文字数:14873,页数:34

摘 要

 Synthesis of PVC as a raw material, the synthesis of hydrochloric is an essential part.
 Annual production capacity of 100,000 tons of vinyl chloride plant, Bear the hydrochlo-
ric synthesis of the design section of the Process Design.
 At home and abroad through the development of PVC, as well as knowledge of hydrochloric acid production in the chlor-alkali production enterprises, the use of direct synthesis of chlorine and hydrogen chloride, water absorption of hydrogen chloride from hydrochloric acid system.With the rapid development of chlor-alkali industry, synthesis of hydrochloric are also development in order to production capacity of caustic. Production in the chlor-alkali enterprises, hydrochloric are usually direct synthed by chlorine and hydrogen. And using Water absorption. When the industrial hydrochloric are product, First of all hydrogen in the reactor will be lit, and then pass into the reaction of chlorine, Hydrogen chloride gas are obtained. Hydrogen chloride gas was cooling as a hydrochloric acid absorption of water. Chlorine and hydrogen in the reaction process, the toxic chlorine gas was surrounded by an excessive amount of hydrogen so that the full reaction of chlorine to prevent contamination of the air.
 In recent years, with the development of impervious graphite equipment , Preparation of the synthesis of hydrochloric have been the first iron furnace synthesis furnace to"two-in-one" graphite Furnace, "three-in-one", such as graphite furnace. Furnace through the synthesis of these different kinds of comparison, the design of the term "two-in-one" graphite furnace.
 Technology and security from the comparison, the use of CAD software graphics rendering process flow chart of the hydrochloric acid. In addition, through the material balance and energy balance, as well as the main calculation and selection of equipment and equipment set out a list of the selected device.
KEY WORDS: Hydrochloric, PVC, Synthesis of Hydrochloric , synthesis furnace

目 录

第一章 总论 1
1.1国内外PVC的发展概况 1
1.2 目前国内PVC行业存在问题 1
1.3盐酸生产概述 2
1.4 设计任务 3
1.4.1 设计项目 3
1.4.2 原材料及产品的主要技术规格及来源 4
1.5 生产原理 7
1.5.1合成盐酸的工艺原理 7
1.6合成盐酸过程合成炉的确定 9
1.6.1 铁合成炉制取盐酸工艺的特点 9
1.6.2“二合一”合成炉制取盐酸工艺的特点 9
1.6.3“三合一”炉制取盐酸工艺的特点 11
1.6.4 本设计采用的合成炉 12
第二章 生产工艺流程确定及主要设备简述 13
2.1工艺流程简述 13
2.2 主要设备简述 13
2.2.1缓冲罐 13
2.2.2冷却器 14
2.2.3氢气阻火器 15
2.2.4石墨换热器 17
第三章  物料、热量衡算及主要设备计算和选型 19
3.1 年产十万吨聚氯乙烯所需要盐酸量的计算 19
3.2合成炉水冷夹套传热系数 20
3.3 空气冷却器的传热系数K的估算 21
3.5 合成炉水汽夹套面积计算 22
3.6 合成炉冷却水量计算 23
3.7 空冷管传热面积计算 23
3.8 石墨冷却器传热面积计算 23
3.9所需循环水量的计算 24
3.10合成炉基本尺寸确定 24
3.11 石墨冷却器的选用 25
3.12 圆翅片空冷管选用 25
第四章  三废处理 26
4.1概 述 26
4.2污染物对环境的影响 26
4.3工业废气排放标准 26
4.3.1氯化氢废气的排放标准 26
4.3.2有害物质的最高允许浓度 26
设计总结 27
设备一览表 28
致 谢 30

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