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论文编号:HG111  论文字数:11222,页数:31

 摘 要:本文建立了紫外分光光度法定量测定辅酶Q10的分析方法,其定量检测波长为275nm,在2.018~16.144μg/ml浓度范围内线性良好,其线性回归方程为: y = 0.0334x + 0.0127,相关系数R2=0.9999。用建立的方法定量分析了所制备的辅酶Q10微胶囊样品的包埋率;用测量休止角的方法来测定微胶囊产品的流动性。实验结果表明,所制备的微胶囊产品流动性良好,其中以冷冻干燥法制得的产品流动性最好,以喷雾干燥法制得的产品包埋率相对最高。本文还研究了DHA微胶囊的在不同pH值环境下的缓释情况,绘制出不同pH条件下的动力学曲线,探究DHA微胶囊的释放动力学机理,得出本实验所用DHA微胶囊的释放符合零级释放动力学机理。

Research on Properties of Microcapsules

 Abstract: In this paper, quantitative analysis of coenzyme Q10 is carried out by UV spectrophotometry analysis, the wavelength of quantitative detection is 275nm, good linearity in the concentration range of 2.018 ~ 16.144μg/ml, the linear regression equation is: y = 0.0334x + 0.0127, the correlation coefficient R2 = 0.9999. We use the established method to quantitative analysis the embedded sample rate of the prepared coenzyme Q10 microcapsules; the liquidity of the prepared microcapsules is detected by measuring the angle, and the result showed that the liquidity of the prepared microcapsules is good., in which the product prepared by freeze-dring method has the best liquidity , and the one prepared by spray-drying has relatively highest embedding rate. This experiment also measured the control-release status of microencapsulated DHA under different pH values, so as to draw the kinetics curve under different pH values. Research into the mechanism of control-release kinetics of DHA microcapsules,the results showed that: In this experiment,the control-release of the DHA microencapsules is in line with the zero-level mechanism of release kinetics.
 Keywords:Microcapsules;Embedding rate;Liquidity;Control release;Kinetics curve
目  录
中文摘要 3
英文摘要 4
目  录 5
1  绪论 1
1.1  微胶囊技术 1
1.2  喷雾干燥法 3
1.3  冷冻干燥法 5
1.4  鼓风干燥法 5
1.5  微胶囊芯材释放研究的现状 5
2  实验部分 7
2.1  试剂与仪器 7
2.2  辅酶Q10微胶囊的制备 8
2.3  辅酶Q10微胶囊化效果的评定及其品质分析 9
2.3.1  傅立叶变换红外光谱图的制作 9
2.4  微胶囊化效果的评定 10
2.5  微胶囊品质评定 11
3  实验结果与讨论 14
3.1  辅酶Q10的傅立叶变换红外光谱图分析 14
3.2  辅酶Q10在乙醇溶液中的标准曲线 15
3.3  不同干燥方法包埋率的比较 16
3.4  辅酶Q10产品流动性测定 18
3.5  DHA微胶囊缓释性的研究 18
4  结论与展望 25
4.1  结论 25
4.2  展望 25
致  谢 26
参考文献 27

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