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论文编号:SP045  论文字数:11500,页数:25,附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译

摘要:杏鲍菇(Pleurotus eryngii)是著名食用菌之一,因其蛋白质多糖含量丰富,并含有多种生理活性物质,深受国内外消费者的青睐,并归为我国大力推广的珍稀食用菌品种之一。其生产周期短、见效快,经济效益相对较高,近年来种植面积不断扩大。

Study of Mutagenic Dosage of 60Co-γ Ray Irradiated on Pleurotus eryngii

Abstract:Pleurotus eryngii is under the fungi door, Pleurotus. its meat hypertrophy like abalone and with almond flavor, which was named after Pleurotus eryngii. Its proteins and polysaccharides content is very rich, and contains a variety of biological substances, is favored by consumers at home and abroad. It is one of the rare varieties of edible fungi. Its production cycle is short and cost-effectiveness is relatively high, in recent years has expanded rapidly.
 In order to obtain high-quality, high-yield strains of Pleurotus eryngii, This study using 60Co-γ-rays to radiation on the spores, mycelia, Fruitbody of Pleurotus eryngii, observation of their mutagenic effect. Use Microscope to observation the mycelium and contrast with Control group; Observation the colony morphology of growth contrast with Control group, and do antagonistic experiment to selected mutants.
 The experimental results show that best dose of the hyphae of Pleurotus eryngii is 500 Gy; In radiation dose of 200 Gy, the spores died rate is 70%; Fruitbody semi-lethal dose is 1000 Gy. Through Antagonism Testing and Liquid Fermented Mycelia Accumulation Test , found that radiation after the strains compared with the original strain, the accumulation of mycelium difference is not obvious, but preliminary results determine the semi-lethal dose for further study on the lure Pleurotus eryngii Variable breeding provided a theoretical basis.
Keywords:Pleurotus eryngii; γ- Rays irradiation; Induced Mutation; mutant strain

 目   次
1.2 珍稀食用菌的市场和发展趋势………………………………………………3
 1.3 食用菌育种方法简介…………………………………………………………4
 2.1.2 培养基………………………………………………………………………7
 2.2.1  菌丝培养 …………………………………………………………………7
  2.2.2  60Co-γ射线辐照处理………………………………………………………8 
 2.2.3  恢复培养…………………………………………………………………8
2.2.4  萌发后宏观微观形态观察………………………………………………8 
2.2.5  菌丝培养特性试验………………………………………………………8 
2.2.6  变异菌株筛选……………………………………………………………9
2.2.7  突变菌株液体发酵菌丝体累积量试验…………………………………9
3 结果与分析………………………………………………………………………10
3.1  萌发后宏观形态特征……………………………………………………10
3.2  萌发后微观形态特征……………………………………………………14 

3.3  菌丝培养特性试验结果…………………………………………………16

 3.4  拮抗实验结果……………………………………………………………17
 3.5  发酵菌丝体累积量试验结果……………………………………………18

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