论文编号:BZ001 论文字数:18282.页数:41
摘 要
然后,作者运用Visual Basic编程语言完成程序编制。该软件具有友好的用户界面,能实现自动确定内装物数量、选择装箱排列方式、计算纸箱内外尺寸和作堆码与抗压强度的校核,以及实现最终设计方案的输出等功能。
关键词: 包装设计 瓦楞纸箱 计算机辅助设计 VB
The development of Carton packaging CAD software
The value of packaging in people''s daily life is playing an increasingly important role. Among the many exquisite packaging of goods, the application of corrugated boxes first. Although the corrugated CAD software in the international market has been the use of a more universal, but on the current domestic market on the design and production of corrugated boxes, are still mainly manual process, which will be eliminated. Therefore, the development of corrugated CAD system will be inevitable
In this topic, mainly studying on general consumer goods on the corrugated packaging CAD system , the aim is to achieve corrugated strength of the computerized design.
During this topic, first of all,from the status quo of corrugated boxes designed determine a feasibility of the programmer.
Discussing the detail of the corrugated box in the design process, material selection, size, strength, strength checking, summed up the establishment of a computerized design flow chart
Then, Author use Visual Basic programming language to complete procedures . The software has a friendly user interface; can automatically determine the number of contents and the arrangement; calculate internal and external dimensions; check stacking and the compressive strength ; and the realization of the ultimate design of the output, and other functions.
Key word:Package design Corrugated Box CAD Visual Basic
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目录 Ⅲ
第一章 绪论 1
1.1瓦楞纸包装在包装工业中的地位及现状 1
1.2瓦楞纸箱产品设计现状 2
1.3 CAD系统软件的发展趋势 2
1.4瓦楞纸箱包装CAD的发展与应用 3
1.5课题研究的内容和意义 4
第二章 设计与开发的实施 5
2.1瓦楞纸箱设计原理与程序 5
2.2瓦楞纸箱结构尺寸设计 5
2.3箱体材料选择 7
2.4瓦楞纸箱强度设计 8
2.4.1纸箱强度设计原理及影响因素 8
2.4.2堆码强度Ps计算 9
2.4.3抗压强度Pd计算 9
2.4.4强度安全性 12
2.5设计数据输出 13
2.6设计流程图 13
第三章 瓦楞纸箱CAD软件简介 15
3.1软件编程语言 Visual Basic简介 15
3.2软件基本模块简介 17
3.3软件运行实例 21
第四章 结论 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28
附录 29
1确定尺寸对话框代码 29
2箱型排列方式选择实现代码 30
3尺寸计算实现代码 31
4强度计算实现代码 34