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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/03/18


论文编号:HY175  论文字数:40399,页数:80  汉语教学专业硕士论文

  关键词:对越汉语生词教学         课堂教学         教学设计

 As we all know, teaching vocabulary is the basis of which any foreign language and Chinese is not an exception. Teaching vocabulary is an important component of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Teaching vocabulary has its various aspects, therefore, this tractate should mainly be focused on the first stage Chinese subject teching in Vietnam. Through the process of researching, we will find out some imperfect items as well as taking measures to improve them.
 The first chapter briefly describes the importance of teaching vocabulary and the general research situation of this tractate.
 The second chapter fully highlights the realities of teaching Chinese new words in the initial stage of Vietnam. During my practice time, I have taken opportunities to study the various methods of teaching Chinese new words in the initial stage. I have mastered the specific situations through observing and interviewing students as well as making 2 additional surveys. After analysing the data collected, I have learned serveral problems remained in the methods of teaching Chinese new words in the initial stage of  Vietnam. This is also a good groundwork for the next chapter.
 In the third chapter, I focus on the emerging issues in order to make plans for improvement. The improvement plans are designed based on the specific situations, analyzed in the previous chapter and the principles of learning new words. Moreover, teaching new word has to follow the general process for learning foreign language. The aim of designing is to improve the problems remained and enhance teaching effectiveness. It is worth mentioning that the improvement plans for all students should be designed to help students learn to master the knowledge and maintain long-lasting. I have presented particularly those plans and used several samples to explain the executive methods. Besides, I have raised my own opinions and plans for improvement on every teaching phase.
 In the fourth chapter, I prove the relative possibilities and effectiveness of  the given improvement plans through experiments. I have converted the teaching process sound recording file to the text and narrated the participatiors’ opinions. The last part is my feelings after the trial training.
 In the fifth chapter, I summarize the results of my research.
 Keywords: Teaching Chinese new words for the Vietnameses, classroom teaching, teaching design.

第一章   绪论 1
一、选题理由 1
二、研究情况概括 1
第二章  越南初级阶段汉语生词教学实况调查分析 3
一、调查对象 3
二、调查目的与内容 3
三、调查结果及分析 3
四、小结 17
第三章  对越南初级阶段汉语生词课堂教学的建议与改进方案 18
一、关于初级阶段汉语生词课堂教学的原则 18
二、关于初级阶段汉语生词课堂教学的方法 20
三、小结 40
第四章  教学实验 41
一、教学过程的录音转写 42
二、教学实验的评估 57
三、教学反思 59
第五章  结语 61
附录一 62
附录二 65
附录三 67
附录四 68
附录五 70
附录六 71
主要参考文献 74
后记 77

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