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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/03/18


论文编号:HY178  论文字数:46253,页数:77 汉语教学专业硕士论文

摘 要

 基于以上考虑,笔者以海外国际汉语教师为研究对象,运用问卷调查法,考察了该群体的工作压力源及应对方式。研究首先调查了国际汉语教师工作压力的一般状况,然后进行了工作压力实证研究:(1)基于访谈编制了《国际汉语教师工作压力源问卷》,探索了海外国际汉语教师工作压力源的结构维度及人口统计学差异;(2)采用Carver (1997)的COPE量表(简易版)探讨国际汉语教师的压力应对方式及人口统计学差异。在实证研究的基础上,笔者就压力管理提出了建议。

 Global Chinese language teachers are the main force to teach Chinese and spread Chinese culture. In recent years, more and more teachers are sent oversea to teach Chinese. These teachers carry great occupational stress due to cross-cultural communication. However, occupational stress of overseas global Chinese language teachers has never been researched.
 In this study, the author used questionnaires to investigate occupational stress of overseas global Chinese language teachers, including stressors and coping style. The perceived stress level of global Chinese language teachers is firstly tested and then empirical research on occupational stress is conducted: First, the author developed Occupational Stressor Questionnaire for Global Chinese language teachers based on interview and found stressors and demographic differences through statistics from the questionnaire. Then, the author used COPE Scale (brief version) to investigate stress coping style and demographic differences of global Chinese language teachers. On the basis of empirical research, the author made recommendations on occupational stress management for global Chinese language teachers.
 Study concludes: (1) Occupational Stressor Questionnaire for Global Chinese language teachers has high reliability and validity. (2) There are nine occupational stressors affecting global Chinese language teachers, namely, workload, social pressure, time management, cross-cultural teaching and communication, career development, school management, problems from students, school environment and income & benefits, and significant differences are found on cross-cultural teaching and communication and workload dimensions between Chinese teachers and teachers with foreign nationality; student problems, social pressure, workload and time management dimensions among teachers of different teaching years; student problems dimension among teachers in primary and middle school, college and training organizations. (3) There are 13 kinds of coping styles according to statistics from COPE scale, namely, Self-distraction, active coping, denial, substance use, use of emotional support, use of instrumental support, behavioral disengagement, venting, positive reframing, planning, humor, acceptance and religion, and these 13 styles can be divided into three categories: and avoidance, among which, problem solving coping is most frequently used. Significant differences are found on problem solving and emotional regulating between male teachers and female teachers; problem solving and emotional regulating among teachers of different teaching years. (4)Occupational stress management can be conducted for personal and organizational perspective. From personal perspective, global Chinese language teachers can ease stress by solving problems, regulating emotion and cognition, seeking supports and developing oneself. From organizational perspective, school and training organization should divide task in a reasonable way, improve working environment, build fair system, provide trainings, seeking social support and develop Teacher Assistance Project.
 The study made contribution to occupational stress research by enriching stressor and coping research, besides, it also provided concrete advice on stress management which can do some help to ease global Chinese language teachers’ occupational stress, thus, this study possesses both theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords: global Chinese language teacher; occupational stress; stressor; stress coping; stress management

目 录

第一章 海外国际汉语教师工作压力研究背景 1
1.1 缘起 1
1.2 理论基础 2
1.2.1 关于压力的理论研究 2
1.2.2 关于工作压力源的研究 8
1.2.3 关于压力应对的研究 11
1.3 本文研究构想 12
1.3.1 以往研究的不足 12
1.3.2 研究目标 13
1.3.3 研究方式概述 13
第二章 海外国际汉语教师工作压力实证研究 15
2.1 研究设计与实施 16
2.1.1 研究目的 16
2.1.2研究方法 16
2.2 结果与分析 19
2.2.1 海外国际汉语教师工作压力源问卷结果与分析 19
2.2.2 压力应对COPE问卷结果与分析 34
2.3讨论 40
2.3.1 海外国际汉语教师压力源讨论 40
2.3.2 海外国际汉语教师压力应对方式及个体差异讨论 45
2.4 本章小结 47
第三章 海外国际汉语教师工作压力管理建议 49
3.1 海外国际汉语教师压力管理策略 49
3.1.1 个体层面压力管理 49
3.1.2 组织层面压力管理 59
3.2 余论 61
3.2.1 研究意义 61
3.2.2 研究不足及未来研究方向 61
参考文献 63
附录 67
1  知觉压力问卷 67
2  海外国际汉语教师压力源问卷 68
3  COPE量表(简易版) 70
后 记 72

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