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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/03/18


论文编号:KJ1394 论文字数:38297,硕士毕业论文


关键词:会计电算化 问题  对策 内部控制

 In the history of China’s information technology development, Accounting Computerization has played a very important role. However, because of the accounting backwardness situation, such as, manual accounting system, undeveloped technology, lack of professional personnel and, the not-well-established internal governance mechanism, it causes the using of accounting computerization, the financial software, a disorder situation. Meanwhile, a limitation of understanding, makes the software developing followed behind international development. With the development of information technology, accounting computerization is facing more challenges. Since China''s accounting computerization still exists some problems, to solve the these problems, we must acquire advanced science and technology and train professional computerized accounting personnel, so that we can keep up with international technological development, especially for information technology implementation. In present market economy rapidly changing environment, the application of accounting computerization, is necessary for enterprises to get timely, accurate and complete financial information, thereby it enhances the company the usefulness of the decision-making, improves its management efficiency and economic performance, continuously upgrades the core competitiveness in the market. However, computerized accounting system is not a general application software, is the organic integration of the accounting information system with the enterprise management system, as well as the extraction and transformation of enterprise management philosophy and style, business processes, accounting and financial management. Because of its own characteristics, accounting computerization is still lack of unified planning and organization, the internal control system is still need to be improved. But we believe, as it emerged with information technology, the accounting computerization will become more and more perfected and developed with the IT developing. At present, most accounting computerization soft wares are applied on simulating manual accounting systems, booking, calculation and reporting are the main functions of those typical verification accounting software. Meanwhile, with modern information technology development and the advent of e-commerce, the recession of accounting functions, the more participation in the business operation and strategy decision-making, the current accounting verification software, reveals a apparent limitation of the functional scope or capacity of the information, far away from the needs of enterprise management. The rapid development of accounting computerization, have significant impact on the internal auditing trail, auditing methods and auditing contents. To adapt it to the need of development of accounting computerization, The internal auditing must have innovation on the methodology and improvement of qualificated personals. Using the scientific theory and methods for the accounting computerization system implementation, continuously training complex professionals to meet the need of computerized accounting is our important task of the moment. Therefore, this paper will focus on the discussion of the problems of accounting computerization and its developing trend, the internal control system, and the affection on existing accounting method and its countermeasures.
 Key words:accounting computerization   problem   countermeasures Internal control   

 3.1.1 缺乏对传统手工模式的改造对会计信息系统设置和调整不够10
 3.1.2 数据的兼容性和安全性差开发技术工具平台落后………….10
 3.1.3 缺少合格的会计电算化的专业人才………………………….10
 3.1.4 重视账务功能忽视管理功能………………………………….11
 3.1.5 缺乏统一协调形成各自为战的局面………………………….11
 3.1.6 财务软件的使用较混乱及软件开发没有考虑国际化……….12
 3.1.7  软件应用性不强和认识存在缺点…………………………….12
 3.1.8  应用会计电算化导致相关制度不完善……………………….12
 4.3.1 财务核算标准套件核心业务流程…………………………….17
 4.3.2 财务核算标准套件预置角色………………………………….19
 4.4.1 高效率全过程的自动化核算………………………………….19
 4.4.2 凭证式自动化处理…………………………………………….20
 4.4.3 财务数据的自动化流转…………………………………….20
 4.4.4 管理信息的自动流转………………………………………….20
 4.4.5 自动化对帐………………………………………………….21
 4.4.6 资金追踪管理………………………………………………….21
 4.4.7 对现金的追踪管理----现金与银行对帐…………………….21
 4.4.8  对货款的追踪……………………………………………….22
 4.4.9  对付款的追踪管理…………………………………………….23
 4.4.10 对资金的追踪管理…………………………………………….25
 4.5.1 客户信用管理……………………………………………….25
 4.5.2 授信管理……………………………………………………….26
 4.5.3 工作流管理…………………………………………………….27
 4.6.1 财务分析…………………………………………………………27
 4.6.2 财务报表-----UFO报表…………………………………………28
 4.7.1 薪资福利处理………………………………………………….28
 4.7.2 固定资产与折旧处理………………………………………….29
 4.8.1  成熟的财务管理经验………………………………………….30
 4.8.2  全面的财务核算……………………………………………….30
 4.8.3  全面的资金控制……………………………………………….31
 4.8.4  准确快速的财务分析………………………………………….31
 4.8.5  审计平台……………………………………………………….31
 4.8.6  快速实施与扩展应用………………………………………….31
 4.8.7  学习难度的降低……………………………………………….31
 4.8.8  流程的优化…………………………………………………….31
 6.5.1 我国会计电算化国际化发展趋势的必然性……………………40
 6.5.2 我国会计电算化国际化发展趋势的特点………………………41

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