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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 发布时间: 09/12/08
gs in recent years and current study situation of Wang Hailing, and makes a summarization for perspective of choosing subject, study meanings as well as relating focus concept of this paper. Female subject consciousness refers to female self-consciousness of status, roles and values as a subject in the objective world, which continuously alters and enriches as change of historical development and social environment. Since Chinese society enters into consumption era, female subject consciousness also displays time characteristics. Wang Hailing explains development track of female subject consciousness in the new era by means of artistic writings.Chapter one discusses time female in writings of Wang Hailing. This part mainly seizes time characteristic of writings of Wang Hailing and core concept of its writings. Section one explains time characteristic of writings of Wang Hailing. Consumption era constitutes development background of female subject consciousness in writings of Wang Hailing; Section two expounds female in consumption era. Females in writings of Wang Hailing and their female subject consciousness in consumption era represent different feature compared with the past and display their unique value and meaning.Chapter two mainly discusses retreat of subject consciousness of female character in writings of Wang Hailing. Establishment and development of female subject consciousness is a continuously changeable and abundant process as development of society. Just at this time, marketing of Chinese economy is gradually deepened and China gradually enters into consumption era, therefore, female subject consciousness of China is unavoidably influenced by consumption consciousness. While we affirm that Chinese females bravely pursues for their wonderful life, such as the role of Lin Xiaofeng , we can’t help doubt about their manner of pursuit for high-quality living. Their original subject consciousness about society and family automatically retreated in the process of pursuit. Section one analyzes the reasons to cause retreat of female subject consciousness from two aspects, which is not only influenced by social traditional factor, but also is the reason of self-consciousness of female; Section two analyzes three kinds of representative types concerning retreat of female subject consciousness. They are either self-contradiction, self-lost, or self-denial, consequently leading to break-up of couple relations and causing a number of social problems related to family and marriage, which completely violates their original intentions; Section three analyzes that females encounter lots of pains since retreat of female subject consciousness. They get into lost, bewilderment, and afflictions of losing their subject’s status, and they are there in self-reflection as well.Chapter three mainly discusses return of female subject consciousness in writings of Wang Hailing. Bewilderment and losing in the process of awakening of intellectual female’s subject consciousness is a necessary phase of female’s mature course. Females have to experience re-recognition to themselves and independence in freedom space of life, so as to realize sublimation of idea, reshaping of female subject consciousness, and self-representation of integrated personality. Section one analyzes spirit awakening of female. They reshapes independent personality after reflecting bewilderment and losing they experience and re-recognize themselves;Section two analyzes that many females take acquisition of economic autonomy as the foundation of finding their subject consciousness, and they normally take work as their support to keep dignity of females as“integrated female”, even if they have to sacrifice their family as cost and they finally get back their self-consciousness in the society of Male Chauvinism;Section three analyzes sexual awakening. Content of female subject consciousness continuously changes and enriches as historical d
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