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   摘  要:目前个人住房贷款已经成为银行业信贷收入的主要来源之一。面对逐渐趋于冷清的地产市场,银行感到巨大压力。要减少房贷下降对银行利润水平的冲击,就要从拓展良好的信贷渠道和加强对信贷风险的控制等两个主要的方面入手。建立合理的信用定价机制,以企业和个人的信用良好程度作为发放贷款和决定贷款利率的基础。依据市场的变化和对政府行为的预期来调整信贷结构和规模。
本文将选用某商业银行的客户住房贷款数据为基础,使用数据挖掘技术之一的ASP.NET 2.0开发工具并加以SQL Server 2005数据库对数据进行深层分析,构建个人房贷风险等级评估模型。

关键词:个人房贷;银行;SQL;ASP.NET 2.0








Mortgage banking management information system development and design

Abstract:At present individual housing loans has become a banking credit one of the main source of income. Gradually become deserted in the face of the real estate market, banks feel enormous pressure. To reduce the decrease in mortgage banking profit level of impact, we must develop a good credit from the channels and strengthen the credit risk control, such as the two main aspects. Establish a rational pricing mechanism of credit to businesses and individuals of good credit as the extent of loans and loan interest rates based on a decision. Based on market changes and the behavior expected of the Government to adjust credit structure and size.
This article will choose a commercial bank housing loans to customers based on data, the use of data mining technology, one of the ASP.NET 2.0 development tools and SQL Server 2005 database to the data-depth analysis, building personal mortgage risk rating assessment model.

Key words: personal mortgage banks; SQL; ASP.NET 2.0







前 言



Bank Mortgage Management Information System Development and Design

Abstract: At present, individual housing loans has become a banking credit, one of the main source of income. Becoming more and more desolate the face of the real estate market, banks feel pressure. To reduce the mortgage down the impact on bank profitability, we must develop good credit from the channel and strengthen the credit risk control are two major aspects. To establish a rational pricing mechanism of credit to businesses and individuals as a good level of credit loans and loans on the basis of interest rates. Based on market changes and the expectations of government action to adjust the credit structure and scale.
This article will use a commercial bank housing loans to customers based on data from the use of data mining, one of the ASP.NET 2.0 development tools and make SQL Server 2005 database, the data-depth analysis, build individual mortgage risk level assessment models.

Key words: personal housing loans; banks; SQL; ASP.NET 2.0

Mortgage banking management information system development and design

Abstract: At present individual housing loans has become a banking credit one of the main source of income. Gradually become deserted in the face of the real estate market, banks feel enormous pressure. To reduce the decrease in mortgage banking profit level of impact, we must develop a good credit from the channels and strengthen the credit risk control, such as the two main aspects. Establish a rational pricing mechanism of credit to businesses and individuals of good credit as the extent of loans and loan interest rates based on a decision. Based on market changes and the behavior expected of the Government to adjust credit structure and size.
This article will choose a commercial bank housing loans to customers based on data, the use of data mining technology, one of the ASP.NET 2.0 development tools and SQL Server 2005 database to the data-depth analysis, building personal mortgage risk rating assessment model .

Key words: personal mortgage banks; SQL; ASP.NET 2.0

Research purposes and significance of
The purpose of this task is through this management system design, understanding of modern management of all aspects of mortgage banking technology, mortgage banking management systems have a more systematic understanding, to design a more comprehensive banking mortgage management system. At the same time, but also set foot on for the future society, access to the corporate offer some help.
Background topics
With the computer and network technology, rapid development, Internet / Intranet applications in the growing worldwide popularity of today''s society is rapidly advancing to the information society, information, automation of the role has become increasingly large, so that we liberated from the complex transaction out to improve our work efficiency.
Based on market changes and the expectations of government action to adjust the credit structure and scale. Since the country began to housing reform since the bank''s individual housing loans will continue to grow and has become a banking credit, a major source of income. For domestic banks, individual housing consumer credit is the most active banking business, good management system can be more effective, real-time to carry out banking business.
Research contents and methods of
According to e-banking simulation system''s overall planning, individual home loan bank loan management system is a functional module, its functions include: system for customers to credit score, to determine its credit level, and according to different customer''s different requests, providing customer''s credit total score indicators to assess the information and a list of customers the credit assessment of the total list of services score results
Development of a bank mortgages

1.1 Study of the U.S. sub-prime
1.1.1 U.S. sub-prime mortgage market crisis, a review of
2001 "9? 11" incident, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates 13 consecutive times, stimulated by low interest rates, the U.S. real estate market school of prosperity, the subprime mortgage market also will be developed rapidly. Heating in the property market when the risk of these loans is not high, bad debt rate has remained at a very low level. In order to be able to find almost deprived of accommodation among the fierce competition, many lenders lowered the credit for all borrowers threshold. At the same time, the intensification of competition among lending institutions spawned a variety of high-risk sub-prime mortgage products; other hand, in the context of high prices (assets greater than liabilities), the borrower was unable to repay loans, can through the sale of houses to pay off debt, again with more liberal terms of access to new loans. Making subprime loans, lending institutions and borrowers are also thought that, if there is repayment difficulties, borrowers only need to sell their houses or refinancing mortgages on it. But in fact, once the housing market cooling, the borrower is difficult to sell their own homes, housing values may also be insufficient to repay the remaining loan dropped to the point. Wall Street stock and credit analysts have been issued "bullish" report to induce investors, even if the loan defaults rising did not even have to stop; regulators are doing nothing. Deutsche Bank said in a report issued in 2006, all the sub-prime, by such "liar loans" accounted for 40%, while in 2001 the proportion was 21%. According to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) figures released by the banks and other lending institutions to report "suspected" cases of mortgage fraud, the number doubled between 2004 and 2006.
As early as 2004, according to price, price / rent ratio, coefficient of disposable income, the vacancy rate, housing turnover, price / earnings ratios and other indicators to measure, Goldman Sachs has identified the United States house prices overvalued by 10%. Because of economic overheating, the Federal Reserve since June 2004 to mid-2006 a row 17 times to raise the federal funds rate, the federal funds rate has been increasing from the early 1% to 5.25%, no significant change in the income case, mortgage credit of annual increasingly heavy burden of repayment (otherwise sub-prime market lending rate mortgage than the Bulk High-2% ~ 3%), so that mortgage default risk of those increasingly likely to become a reality in some areas, prices even began to decline, mortgage immediately started to become a high a high-risk business. Meanwhile, the U.S. real estate market since 2006, the rapid cooling. On the one hand, the house shot become increasingly difficult (to buy up not to buy down), on the other hand, sellers may not be obtained to help borrowers pay off the loan. A variety of factors (interest rates to rise - increase the burden on home buyers - buyers decline in demand - falling house prices - insolvent) the result of, and ultimately make sub-prime mortgage default rates hit new high, and from April 2007 began to New Century Financial filed for bankruptcy as a symbol, the sub-prime market crisis. So far, the United States has more than 30 subprime lenders closed down subordinated debt crisis has also affected those with a sub-prime mortgage assets of the company, some people even think that this credit crisis, the maximum loss of up to 500 billion U.S. dollars (and probably not stop). The three major credit rating agency Moody''s, Standard & Poor''s and Fitch have already started to scale down part of the mortgage-backed securities, credit rating. In early 2007, Greenspan previously warned that U.S. economic growth may be frozen, in the March 5 interview, Greenspan surprised that the U.S. economy this year is one-third of the possibility of a recession.
"To people who can not afford to buy, sell, lend money to people who do not play" In the past few years, this way of thinking so much of finance companies to create impressive business achievements; the entire community into a huge lies inside: The Government should go long, businesses have to the performance, people buy more things; we desperately to play a numbers game, has been piled up, deliberately alienate straight until the bubbles explode.
Thus, March 22, 2007 the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, "Mortgage Market Crisis: Causes and consequences" the hearing, Committee Chairman Dodd on the U.S. financial regulatory authorities, especially in the Fed''s inaction was unnecessarily browbeat the accused: "We are The financial regulators should have been Zhengedaidan guardians, protecting hardworking Americans from the irresponsible financial institutions injury. It is regrettable that for a long time they have been nothing. "" So, in a word, as early as the spring of 2004, the financial regulatory authorities have already started to pay attention to relax lending standards. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve continued to raise interest rates while the other side has to continue to encourage lending institutions to develop and sell adjustable-rate mortgage. In my view, it is this self-contradictory behavior to create the current millions of U.S. homeowners swept through the big storm. "


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