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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 13/05/07




教师可以下载word文档在本地填写提交给管理员由管理员入库;评委可以通过校园网随时随地的对申请项目进行打分;管理员通过系统管理各种用户的权限,并提功必要的答疑,公布通过的申请等。本系统使用SQL Server 作为数据库,通过ADO技术连接数据库。


Nowadays , the fund item application of the school in my school still adopts the traditional form which used paper. Tata need some people to check whether the format is true and usefulness .The regent must concentrate together to point it ,while the adminstrater also sort the application’s information.The workload of the application is very big.
This system beats aspects such as apply for application and the manage account number  .According to the actual request of the school, we analyzed the school declare This system carry the management that the word text file fills in the application, on-line grade point and statisticses the result and various customer legal power an so on . function, the fund that eases the school declares the workload of sign the item the equity for statistics, and promoting the fund of the school apply for the exaltation of the efficiency and material resourceses.
The teacher can download the word text file and fill in ,then  hand over to be store in warehouse by the managing person for managing person;The regent can pass the campus net at any time  and anywhere of carry on beating the cent to the a




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