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连锁药房药品进销存管理系统是一个集成了药品的进货、销售和库存统一管理的管理系统。它给工作人员一个非常清晰的思路,在连锁药房药品进销存管理方面排除了以前手工操作而带来的的许多弊病。本文介绍的系统软件是以Dreamweaver MX 2004软件开发出管理员登入界面,利用ASP作为界面和数据库的链接工具,并深刻的阐述了采用ASP+SQLServer服务器技术实现药房药品进销存管理系统建设的优点。 此系统的功能、业务流程、系统流程、前台数据流图、后台数据流图、E-R图、数据库设计、功能模块设计、详细设计流程图、实现、发布和维护等一系列开发流程在本文章中你都可以找的到。可以看出连锁药房药品进销存管理系统绝对是目前国内绝大多数药房药品进销存管理中必不可少的好帮手。 【Abstract】The Management System of the Purchsing and Storage and Selling of the Pharmacy of the Chain Stores is a management System which contains purchasing, storage and selling of the pharmacy. It gives staff a extremely clear mentality. It removes many troubles which was brought by the old manual operation in the management of the purchsing and storage and selling of the pharmacy of the chain stores. The software introduced by this article develops the manager’s contact surface using the Dreamweaver the MX 2004, and uses ASP to contact the surface with the database, and deeply introduce the advantage of the management system of the purchsing and storage and selling of the pharmacy of the chain stores which was by the ASP+SQLServer server technology. 本文选自毕业设计http://myeducs.cn |
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本文选自计算机毕业设计http://myeducs.cn |