摘 要
Design and Implementation of High-quality Curriculum Website
The 21st Century is the times which information is highly developed and circulated, people can get more knowledge than before with the popularization of computers and the widespread application of computer network. Facing to the “information detonation” phenomena, how does the education catch up with the step of time not being dropped behind? Many experts think about this question: “How can we move the education resource onto the network and enable more people to share these resources”. As an institution whose main duty is spreading knowledge, it’s very necessary to build a high-quality curriculum website for each school, it is not only enable more people to share the valuable education information but also provide a great help to promote the school’s reputation and the students’ self-study ability.
The development of this project is based on B/S frame; ASP programming language and Access database are used to develop. At first, this paper carries on a demand analysis about high-quality curriculum website in detail. Secondly, the functions of high-quality curriculum website are provided, and the plan of high-quality curriculum website is discussed. Finally, a comparatively design is provided, and the steps of concrete realization are produced. Through a carefully test and analysis, which shows this system is stable, reliable, and has certain practical value.
Key words: High-quality Curriculum; Website; Database; Education; Resource; Information Share
目 录
1 引 言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 精品课程网站研究的意义 1
1.4 本文的主要工作 1
2 精品课程网站的需求分析与设计 2
2.1 精品课程网站的发展现状 2
2.2 精品课程网站的需求分析 2
2.3 精品课程网站的设计 3
2.4 精品课程网站的系统流程图 3
3 精品课程网站的实现 5
3.1 登录系统 5
3.1.1 登录功能的代码实现及界面效果 5
3.1.2 注册功能的代码实现及界面效果 6
3.1.3 找回密码功能的实现及效果展示 7
3.2 在线考试 8
3.2.1 学生功能的实现 8
3.2.2 教师功能的实现 11
3.3 在线交流 13
3.3.1 用户留言及查看留言的代码实现 13
3.3.2 管理员功能的实现过程 14
3.4 在线视频及流媒体的实现 16
3.4.1 流媒体技术简介 16
3.4.2 在线视频的设计与实现 16
4 运行测试与分析 17
4.1运行测试 17
4.2 分析 18
结 论 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 20
声 明 21