摘 要
本系统采用B/S模式,使用ASP作为开发语言,用SQL Server 2000开发后台数据库。本系统分前台管理和后台管理两部分。前台管理主要实现以下功能:学生网上注册个人信息;学生在线查询资料;在线视频学习;在线考试可以随时检测学生的学习情况;在线论坛可以收集学生的疑难问题和在线交流;公告栏可以时事的显示最新的消息。强大的后台管理主要实现以下功能:可以对学生资料的查询与删除;对课程相关资料的添加、删除、修改等;发布新的公告。此论文详细介绍了系统的需求分析,系统设计和具体实现。最后,以图的形式给出测试结果。
The Design and Implementation of “Computer Professional English” Online Teaching System
With progress in technology and the rapid development in computer network, education becomes very important in everyday life. In order to avoid the progresses being restricted in the zone or time, the online teaching and learning systems is introduced into education.
This system is based on the B/S model and developed by ASP and SQL Server 2000 database. It is divided into two parts, the foreground management and the background management. The following functions are mainly implemented by the foreground management system. For instance, students can register, inquiry, study video materials and test themselves whenever anytime they want. In the forum, difficult questions can be collected and students can communicate with others. The latest news can be seen in the bulletin. The powerful functions of the background management are as following: Teachers can inquire about students’ information and delete it. Teachers can add, delete and renew the related information of courses. Teachers can issue new announcement. In this paper, the requirement analysis, design and implementation of the system are introduced in details. At last, the result of testing is introduced in the form of figures.
Keywords: B/S; Online teaching system; ASP
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 1
1.4 本课题的研究方法 1
2 《计算机专业英语》网上教学系统的相关理论基础 2
2.1 系统开发环境 2
2.2 B/S结构 2
2.3 IIS简介 2
2.4 SQL Server 2000简介 2
2.5 ASP简介 3
3 《计算机专业英语》网上教学系统的用户需求分析 3
3.1 用户角色分析 3
3.2 具体功能模块划分 3
3.3 性能需求 5
4 《计算机专业英语》网上教学系统的设计与实现 5
4.1 系统功能图示例 5
4.1.1系统前台模块功能示意图(如图1) 5
4.1.2系统后台功能示意图(如图2) 5
4.2 数据库表的设计与实现 6
4.3 《计算机专业英语》网上教学系统的功能设计与实现 12
4.3.1学生登录管理模块的实现 12
4.3.2 网络考试管理模块的实现 14
4.3.3在线论坛管理模块的实现 18
4.3.4公告栏管理模块的实现 19
4.3.5远程教学管理模块的实现 20
4.3.6网上课堂管理模块的实现 20
5 《计算机专业英语》网上教学系统的系统测试 21
5.1 测试环境 21
5.2 测试结果 21
结 论 23
参考文献 23
致 谢 24
声 明 25