The Designs And Realizing Of The Teaching Website For The Course of Computer Orgaization Principles
Abstract: This subject is a teaching website developed for the course of the Computer Organization Principles, to this characteristic, this text has probed into the design mode of collecting teaching websites and has proposed the solution on technology.
This website’s front desk adopts Dreamweaver to carry on the page animation, the backstage is supported by Access database , through using the result of the dynamic webpage of ASP technology , reach the operation to the database in order to the request for the user.
Procedure teaching websites of whole Computer Organization Principles includes nine parts: the course description,teacher ranks, construction of course, the online school, curriculum practice,bulletin board,download channel,web forum for teachers and students,message board.this text is mainly to talk about four parts of them,they are the ourse description,teacher ranks,web forum for teachers and students,
message board. Using this website to study the Computer Organization Principles can grasp some of knowledge, focal point and difficult point of course of the Computer Organization Principles more convenient, more flexible and more effectively, it is a kind of embodiment using Internet effectively, have higher practical value.
Keywords: Teaching websites, Computer Organization Principles, ASP, ACCESS
目 录
序言 1
第一章 系统分析与研究 2
1.1课题开发背景 2
1.2课题开发的现实意义 2
1.3相关课题发展现状 3
1.4系统目标 4
第二章 系统开发技术简介 5
2.1 HTML语言 5
2.2 ASP技术 6
2.2.1 ASP的工作原理 6
2.2.2 ASP的优势 7
2.3 ADO 8
2.4 ACCESS 9
第三章 系统概要设计 10
3.1系统结构设计 10
3.2系统功能说明 10
3.3运行环境 11
3.3.1 服务器端 11
3.3.2 客户端 11
第四章 数据库设计 13
4.1 数据库分析 13
4.2 数据库中表的设计 15
4.2.1 user表的设计 15
4.2.2 article表设计 15
4.2.3 reply表设计 16
4.2.4 area表的设计 16
4.2.5 administrator表的设计 17
第五章 系统详细设计 18
5.1 网站主页的设计 18
5.1.1 首页的风格、色彩和布局设计 18
5.1.2 首页导航的设计 18
5.2 师生论坛模块 19
5.2.1论坛模块结构设计 19
5.2.2论坛模块的功能说明 20
5.2.3 论坛首页 21
5.2.4 用户登录 22
5.2.5 新用户注册 23
5.2.6 发表帖子 24
5.2.7 浏览帖子 25
5.2.8 回复帖子 26
5.2.9 论坛后台管理 26
5.3 课程描述 28
5.4 教师队伍 28
第六章 系统测试 30
6.1 测试计划 30
6.1.1 测试项目 30
6.1.2 测试人员 30
6.2 测试结果 30
6.3 测试分析 31
结束语 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34