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摘  要

The Security Study and Implement Based on ASP Website
Network has affected the polity, economy, culture, military and each aspect of social life. It has become an important feature of modern society to obtain information and exchange by the use of network. When people access information, the most direct way is logging on and surfing in the Internet to obtain reliable information. Today most of websites are using the ASP. When users are logging on and storing personal information, there are many hidden security problems. So this design will make further judgment and aggrandizement on ASP websites’ security. It will do the best to protect the integrity of user information and confidentiality. It is mainly related to the encryption and decryption of users’ information, and defense of SQL injection attack. In addition, some auxiliary designs and security configuration are made for some loopholes of the ASP website. The paper describes the design of the security module and subordinate security modules in detail.

Key words: ASP; encryption; decryption; defense SQL injection

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的目的 1
1.4 本课题的研究方法 1
2 开发技术和环境 2
2.1 RSA加密算法 2
2.1.1  RSA加密算法的发展 2
2.1.2  RSA加密算法的描述 2
2.1.3  RSA加密算法的可行性 2
2.2 ASP技术 2
2.2.1  ASP技术的原理 2
2.2.2  ASP技术的含义 3
2.2.3  ASP技术的特点 3
2.3 结构化查询语言SQL 3
2.3.1  SQL语言的特点 4
2.3.2  SQL语言的组成 4
2.4 开发环境 4
3 需求分析 4
3.1 用户需求 4
3.2 功能需求 4
3.2.1 用户注册模块 5
3.2.2 用户登录模块 5
3.2.3 防SQL注入模块 5
3.3 性能要求 6
3.3.1 操作性能 6
3.3.2 调用性能 6
4 安全模块的设计与实现 6
4.1 安全模块的实现过程 6
4.1.1 注册加密模块实现过程 6
4.1.2 防注入模块实现过程 7
4.1.3 登录图片验证码的实现过程 7
4.2 模块流程图和功能图 7
4.2.1 注册加密模块流程图和功能图 7
4.2.2 登录安全模块流程图及功能图 9
4.3 模块主要代码及实现 11
4.3.1 注册模块的安全代码及实现 11
4.3.2登录及防注入模块的安全代码及实现 18
5 现有安全技术归纳总结 22
5.1 SQL数据库的安全性 22
5.2 IIS的安全配置 22
5.3 关闭没有用的服务和协议 23
5.4 ASP编程安全 23
5.5 ASP服务器的安全设置 24
5.6 ASP木马 24
5.7 防止暴力破解 25
6 测试 25
6.1 测试环境 25
6.2 测试结果 25
6.2.1 测试效果 26
6.2.2 测试过程及结果 27
结    论 27
参考文献 28
致    谢 29
声    明 30

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