摘 要
Along with the fast development in computer technology, we have gotten big progress in school science and information management. So it needs equal development in every part. The school will be building an information management and educational plat from hardware and software two sides.Thereafter, on the basis of this, this text come out the design and exploitation of a signing up on the net system, which based on Brower rver. I developed this system is in order to reduce the teacher''''s pressure, enhance the work efficiency, optimize the process of student''''s testing, enhance the students'''' identity and papers'''' secrecy. It can save more people money and time than tradition methods.
The system is composed of five parts: information check module, information modify module, information insert module, information print module,testing information show module.Information insert is in charge of questions adding saving and deleting. The school will be building an information management and educational plat from hardware and software two sides.Thereafter, on the basis of this, this text come out the design and exploitation of a signing up on the net system, which based on Brower rver. The subjecting is the base of the system; the second part is information check module, student can log on the system by his name and number, and then turns into the examination''''s screen, the system will give random questions to student. Finally come into an name paper, saving answers when students finish the name,Information insert is in charge of finishing name tasks work, according to the information show module. Maintaining module''''s work is to complete the test information show .
The system chooses the software of development that use is ASP.the system developments adopt idea of construction designing. The system manual introduced the original intention and background of this insert name system, the tool of development of the system, the details process of construction development, it content the entity-model, the data stream chart, function and configuration chart, and other necessary chart explanations.
Keywords: ASP Technology, The Data Base, Registration System,B/S
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
引 言 VI
第一章 系统可行性及需求分析 1
1.1 系统可行性研究 1
1.2 系统需求分析 1
第二章 系统的初步设计 4
2.1 系统调查 4
2.2 系统开发准备 5
第三章 开发该系统中所使用的技术的介绍 6
3.1 系统中用到的网页设计Dreamweaver工具简介 6
3.1.1系统开发需要的软件环境 7
3.1.2系统开发需要的硬件环境 7
3.2系统中选用的ASP技术简介 8
3.3 系统中使用的网页开发HTML语言简介 12
3.4 系统所采用的数据库Access2000的简介 13
3.5 系统所采用的B/S构架简介 15
3.6系统数据库使用的 SQL 语言介绍 18
第四章 系统详细设计 20
4.1 系统概要设计 20
4.2 考试报名信息处理系统模块图 20
4.2.1系统结构图 20
4.3 系统数据库表的设计 22
4.4 各模块功能分析和介绍 25
4.4.1 主界面 25
4.4.2信息录入子系统 25
4.4.3信息修改子系统 27
4.4.4信息查询子系统 29
4.4.5信息打印子系统 30
第五章 系统安装调试及测试 31
5.1 系统安装调试 31
5.2 系统测试 32
5.2.1在IE中进行测试 32
5.2.2在Dreamweaver中进行测试 37
5.2.3系统测试时遇到的问题 38
5.2.4 系统的实施 40
结束语 41
致 谢 43