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摘 要
关键字: Dreamweaver;  ACCESS; ASP

Along with social informationization of development, society a lot of business of management also followed to correspond occurrence root of variety, the research item declared management to also followed occurrence variety, past of management is a kind of everyplace information dispersion then again concentration arrive central, information of transmission the path is to pass simple artificial transmission, so make to handle affairs an efficiency low.In addition, each dispersion organization of the item declare after carry out can''''t in time concentration arrive central data center, disadvantageous in management layer of information statistics and decision.According to the above present condition, adoption forerunner of information-based management the system can work°out these problems.So convenience management unify of layer management and decision, provided a work efficiency in the meantime.This system used for declaring management of sign a process to the unit research in the magistracy item, tradition the management of the mode cost a lot of energy, adoption information new the technique be excellent to turn management means, enhance to declare process, strengthen item to take charge of, exaltation work efficiency.Each mold piece rightness should of function dissimilarity:Personal declare a mold piece to provide of is to face to personal item to declare with management function;Recommend an unit mold a piece provide of is management personal declare item with recommend toward the health hall accommodation item of function;Management center mold piece provide of is rightness each recommend unit recommend come up of the item carry on management and allotment the expert carry on judge, end according to judge expert rightness should opinion and dozen of the item cent, decision whether rightness should the item carry on the function which sign an item;Judge expert mold piece provide an expert to allotment arrive of the item carry on dozen cent with provide the expert with the opinion of function.

Keyword: Dreamweaver;  ACCESS;  ASP

目 录
摘要 .3
第1章  ASP简介 ..3
1.1  Active Server Pages简介 .3
1.2  ASP 的新功能 4
1.3  ASP页面的结构 5
1.4  ASP的运行环境 5
1.5  ASP 内建对象 5
1.6  ASP的主要内置组件 6
1.7  Database Access组件ADO 6
1.8  ASP的脚本语言 6
1.9  ASP能干什么? 7
1.10  HTML 和 ASP 的区别 7
第二章 运行环境及系统性能需求分析  5
2.1、硬件需求  5
2.2、软件需求  6
2.3、开发环境  6
第三章 科研项目网上申报管理系统的设计  9
3.1、系统详细功能分析  8
3.2、数据库设计与实现  19
第四章 科研项目网上申报管理系统的实现  25
4.1、数据库的连接  25
4.2、登录界面设计  28
4.3、系统用户注册模块  33
4.4、项目申报模块  37
4.5、用户信息修改模块包括  39
4.6项目申报管理及评审模块包括  41
4.7、项目查询打印模块包括  44
4.8用户信息管理模块  47
总结   50
致谢   51
参考文献   52

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