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摘  要
在技术上,该系统选择了B/S(浏览器/服务器)三层网络体系结构。客户端技术综合采用HTML、VBScript、java script等技术提供用户界面;应用服务器端使用IIS,并采用ASP动态网页编程技术实现业务逻辑;数据库服务器采用SQL Server 2000关系数据库。利用ASP 动态网页编程技术,通过ADO与SQL Server 2000数据库建立链接,运用SQL 语言实现对其数据库的操作。

关键词:计算机网络;网络旅游信息;SQL sever 2000;ASP;数据库
The Implementation and Design for Network Tour Information System
The network tour information system is designed to manage tour information by using the ability of efficient storing and managing data of computer. Its main purpose is to simplify the complicated work of people in looking for tour information. By connecting to computers, long-distance visiting and sharing of data will become true. The combining of tour information consultation and network communication sufficiently will change the traditional model that people need to go to travel agency for tour information in the past.
This paper introduces the design and implementation of a network tour information system. It analyzes the business requirement of internet tour information system completely and the detail of system designation. On this basis, this system realized the basic functions, such as the management and inquiry of tour information, the registering of travel agencies, the issuance of tourist routes, the order of tourist routes, the management of user forum and so on. Besides, this system manages the users according to their grades to improve the safety of the system.
In technology, this system chooses B/S (Browser/ Server) three-layer of network system structure. The client end provides the consumer interface by adopting technologies such as HTML, VBScript, and java script synthetically. The application server makes use of IIS and adopts the ASP dynamic Webpage programming technology to realize the business logic; the database server adopts SQL Server 2000 relation database.

Key words: Computer network; Network tour information; SQL sever 2000; ASP; Data base

目  录

1 引言 1
2 为什么开发网络旅游信息系统 1
2.1 计算机网络已经成为生活得力助手 1
2.1.1 计算机网络的基本概念 1
2.1.2 计算机网络在生活中的应用 1
2.2 计算机网络与旅游的完美结合 2
3 开发语言与工具的选择 2
3.1 Web数据库技术 2
3.2 ASP(Active Server Pages)技术 3
3.2.1 ASP技术简介 3
3.2.2 ASP的特点 3
3.2.3 ASP的内建对象 3
3.2.4 ASP访问数据步骤 4
3.3 Microsoft sql server 2000(SQL) 4
4 网络旅游信息系统的分析与设计 5
4.1 网络旅游信息系统的需求分析 5
4.1.1 网络旅游信息系统开发目的 5
4.1.2 网络旅游信息系统的功能 5
4.2 数据库的实现 6
4.2.1 数据结构及其E-R图 6
4.2.2 数据库的逻辑结构设计 8
4.2.3 数据库的连接 11
5 网络旅游信息系统的实现 11
5.1 系统功能模块介绍 11
5.2 网络旅游信息系统流程图 13
5.3 系统具体实现 14
5.3.1 旅游信息模块 14
5.3.2 管理员管理模块 15
5.3.3 线路预订模块 18
6 难点及解决方法 24
结    论 25
参考文献 26
致    谢 27
声    明 28

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