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摘  要
 本文对网上求职招聘系统的设计过程进行了详细介绍。系统采用ASP技术进行开发,选用SQL Server作为后台数据库。本文对系统的开发背景、系统的开发和运行环境、系统功能分析、系统功能模块设计、数据库结构实现、各个功能模块的创建等各个过程进行了阐述。系统实现了用户注册、登陆、求职信息的发布、最新招聘信息发布等功能。招聘人员和求职人员主要通过发送网上信息进行交流和沟通。

Design and Realization of Online Job and Employ System
 With the development of network technology, the application of network is more and more extensive in people''''s life. The flow of talent has become a big social problem. Traditional recruitment not only makes the job-seekers feel inconvenient but also wastes much time. It makes people lost many opportunities. However,online job recruitment system provides a convenient, simple, safe and easy-to-manage platform, which is an improvement to the traditional model as well as a inevitable tendency.
 The thesis introduces design process of the system in detail. The system is developed by ASP and uses SQL Server as database. The thesis describes each step of developing, such as development background of the system, development and operating environment, function analysis, module design, database architecture, and realization of all modules. The system realizes some modules, including the user registration, login, submitting the latest job recruitment and the latest job information, etc. The job recruitment and job-seekers can exchange by sending online message primarily.
 Key words: ASP; IIS; the recruitment; seeks job
目  录

1 引  言 1
1.1 研究目的 1
1.2 本设计研究意义 1
1.3 开发背景 2
1.4 求职招聘网的未来走向 2
1.5 本文的主要工作 2
2 相关技术与知识 3
2.1 服务器IIS介绍 3
2.2 数据库管理系统SQL Server2000 3
2.3 ASP技术简介 3
2.3.1 ASP工作原理 3
2.3.2 ADO技术在ASP中的应用 4
2.3.3 ASP内置对象 4
3 网上求职招聘系统的概述 5
3.1 系统功能概述及模块图 5
3.2 系统数据流程图 6
3.3 系统功能模块划分 7
3.3.1 求职管理模块 7
3.3.2 招聘管理模块 7
3.3.3 系统管理模块 8
3.4 程序与运行环境 8
4 系统数据库的设计 9
4.1 系统E-R图 9
4.2 系统数据逻辑结构 9
5 系统功能模块实现 13
5.1 本系统应用到的基本功能 13
5.1.1 数据库连接 13
5.1.2 Session 的设置 14
5.2 求职模块的实现 14
5.2.1 求职人员功能流程图 14
5.2.2 填写求职简历 15
5.2.3 查看全部职位与搜索相应职位 16
5.2.4 预览求职简历 17
5.2.5 更新求职简历 18
5.2.6 我的信箱 18
5.2.7 我的收藏夹 19
5.3 招聘模块实现 19
5.3.1 招聘功能流图 19
5.3.2 填写/更新公司的一些详细情况 20
5.3.3 发布招聘信息 21
5.3.4 全部人才列表及查找相关的人才 22
5.3.5 个人收藏夹 22
5.3.6 个人信箱 22
5.3.7 公司预览 22
5.4 管理员界面实现 22
5.4.1 管理员功能流图 22
5.4.2 新闻管理 23
5.4.3 个人用户管理 23
5.4.4 单位用户管理 24
5.4.5 招聘信息管理 24
5.4.6 求职信息管理 24
5.4.7 添加一些常用的信息 25
5.4.8 清除调查表内容 25
6 结果测试,性能分析 25
结    论 26
参考文献 26
致    谢 28
声    明 29

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