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摘 要
随着信息时代的飞速发展,以前对学科建设信息的人工管理越来越不能满足当前大量信息管理的需求,因此建立一个学科建设信息管理系统是势在必行的。学科建设信息管理系统容纳了高校学科建设所需的各种信息,如教学、科研、高层次学位管理、设备条件管理、图书资料建设、学术交流等众多方面和环节。该系统对学科建设所需各方面的信息都进行了智能化的管理,替代了一直以来人们使用传统人工的管理文件档案,提高了效率和保密性,并且可以基于internet快速查询学科建设相关资料。 本文同时论述了强大功能的通用报表组件的研制与开发过程,该组件增加了用户同系统数据间的互动性,改进了固定报表的局限性。在对该系统做出详细具体的需求分析基础上,确定了该系统的功能要求和性能要求、选择了最适合该系统的系统模型、设计了系统的网络拓扑结构以及数据库结构,并对数据库进行了优化。系统采用的是B/S与C/S相结合的软件体系结构和面向对象的开发方法;采用关系型数据库、分布式数据库相结合技术来构建系统的数据库,设计数据库接口来实现对多个数据库的操作,采用用户权限分配、数据加密、存储过程、触发器等技术手段来加强系统的安全和数据库的完整性。
学科建设信息管理系统主要实现以下几个功能:1、师资队伍建设信息管理;2、研究生信息管理;3、科研(论文、专著、项目)建设的信息管理;4、 图片信息管理;5、实验室建设信息管理;6、设备建设信息管理。对学院各学科的所有设备信息的有效管理;7、资料建设信息管理;8、 学科建设所涉及的所有信息的通用查询。
关键字: Dreamweaver;    SQL Server 2000;      ASP

With the fast development of information era, the manual management to discipline construction information could wore and wore satisfy new demand for better management on a lots of information. Therefore, it is necessary to build a information management system of discipline construction. The system of discipline construction information includes all information required by discipline construction in university such as teaching, scientific research, degree management in high level, Conditions of equipment management, construction of library materials, academic exchanges, and many other aspects and links. The system of disciplines required for the construction of information have carried out the intelligent management, has been replaced by the use of the traditional paper file management, improved efficiency and confidentiality and can be based on the internet to quickly find information on subjects related to the building. This article also discussed the power of the general statements of components research and development process, the component with an increase of user data between the system of interaction, improvement of the limitations of the fixed statements. In the system to make a detailed analysis of the specific needs on the basis of determining the system''''s functional requirements and performance requirements, select the most suitable model of the system, design the system and network topology database structure, and database Optimized. System is based on B / S and C / S combination of software architecture and object-oriented development; using relational database, integration of distributed database technology to build a database system, database interface design to achieve the more A database of the operation, a user rights distribution, data encryption, storage, flip-flop, and other technical means to strengthen the system''''s security and the integrity of the database.
Subject Construction information management system to achieve the following key features: 1, teachers construction information management; 2, post-graduate information management; 3, Research (papers, monographs, the project) to build the information management; 4, the picture information management; 5, experiment Room building information management; 6, construction equipment information management. School of the various disciplines of all equipment for the effective management of information; 7, the building of information management information; 8, the subject involved in building all the information for the generic.
Key word: Dreamweaver;    SQL Server 2000;      ASP

目 录
摘要 3
第1章  ASP简介 3
1.1  Active Server Pages简介 3
1.2  ASP 的新功能 4
1.3  ASP页面的结构 5
1.4  ASP的运行环境 5
1.5  ASP 内建对象 5
1.6  ASP的主要内置组件 6
1.7  Database Access组件ADO 6
1.8  ASP的脚本语言 6
1.9  ASP能干什么? 7
1.10  HTML 和 ASP 的区别 7
1.11 Microsoft SQL Server 2000简介............................5
第二章 运行环境及系统性能需求分析..............................5
2.2、软件需求.................................................. 6
2.3、开发环境............................................... 6
第三章 学科建设系统管理系统的设计................... 9
3.2、数据库设计与实现....................... ...............19
第四章 学科建设系统管理系统的实现................. 25
4.2、登录界面设计.......................................... 28
4.4、研究生信息管理模块...................................... 37
4.5、科研信息管理模块包括....................................... 39
总结 ........................................................ 50
致谢 ........................................................ 51
参考文献 .................................................... 52

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