毕业论文基本 内容及要求 | 本系统是基于SQL Server 2000数据库管理系统和ASP.NET语言开发设计的一套基于web的人口普查系统。该系统主要包括(1)用户登陆模块,普通用户只能查询;(2)个人信息管理模块:信息的录入(3)查询模块:基于字段实现精确查询和模糊查询,(4)人口统计报表打印:1 对各个村,乡,县,市总表统计2.按字段统计3.复合统计:包括按字段统计表;部门(村,乡,县,市)汇总表。(5)图表模块:(7)系统帮助:日历,计算器,系统说明。普查主要包括人口记录和统计查询,每个人相应的对应一条记录,针对我国人口的现状以及设备的要求,改变以往的手工表的模式,本系统只能模拟人口普查系统,对较小范围实现普查,实现逐级汇报并与其他地区比较,使普通用户对中国的人口结构有个初步的了解。 Branches
Department of Computer Science
Computer Science and Technology
Student ID
Thesis (design) Title
Census web-based system Instructor name
Basic Thesis
Content and requirements
This system is based on SQL Server 2000 database management system and a set of ASP.NET development and design language web-based census system. The system includes (1) The user login module, ordinary users can only query; (2) Personal information management modules: information input (3) Query Module: Based on the field, accurate query and fuzzy query, (4) Demographic Report Print: 1 to every village, township, county, city statistics summary table 2. By the field statistics 3. Composite Statistics: statistical tables, including by field; sector (village, township, county, city) matrix. (5) Chart modules: (7) system to help: calendar, calculator, system description. Census records and statistics include demographic information, each corresponding to a corresponding record for the status quo of China''s population as well as equipment requirements, to change the pattern of the previous manual form, this system can simulate the census system, the smaller the scope of realization of the census to achieve level-report and compared with other regions, so that ordinary users of China''s population structure has a basic understanding of.
Sought through this training graduate students to analyze problems and design problem-solving skills; and solid programming skills, improve their practical ability. From the analysis to the practice of the process of achieving a better understanding of software engineering principles.
Writing papers in strict accordance with the form requirements, Tangshan Teachers College, Undergraduate Thesis (design) specification guide to writing. And called for clear and logical, subject clear point of view is correct, so that papers can fully reflect the students to use what they have learned to analyze problems computer knowledge, problem-solving ability.
Instructor Signature: Date
Qiming studio. ASP.NET + SOL Server network application system development and examples. Posts & Telecom Press, 2005,02
without the morning of Zhang Liang, Zhang. ASP.NET + SQL Server database development and examples. Tsinghua University Press, 2006,08
Lu Jie Hua, Xiao Zhou, Wang Ye [journal] Chinese population studies review and comment on 2005 11 No. 1
Sun Sancai, Zhang Zhikai, Xu Xun Yin. C # on the. NET technology platform combat exercise. China Youth Publishing House, 2001,06
Yuan Pengfei, Sun Jun security. SQL Server 2000 database management system. Posts & Telecom Press, 2001,05
China Population and Development in the 21st century (White Paper) [Z. State Council Information Office, 2001,5. Process for the
The completion of the content
Opening report writing, preparing for title defense
Needs analysis
Software design: software programming and debugging, finishing source
Software testing
Writing papers and the preparation of the defense
Department views
Head of Department Signature: Date
力求通过本次毕业设计锻炼学生分析问题和解决问题的能力;并扎实编程技术,提高动手能力。通过从分析到实现的实践过程,更好的理解软件工程的原理。 论文写作形式要求严格按照唐山师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)指导手册的规范进行撰写。并要求逻辑清晰,主题明确,观点正确,使论文能够充分体现学生利用所学计算机知识进行分析问题,解决问题的能力。 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 |