大小加载HTML文件是有限的内存容量以供程序在您的手机。典型的限制使用的内存大约100kb的最流行的手机型号。 60系列的手机有3兆限制和新的40系列手机-关于0.5Mb 。载入中过大的文件会导致OutOfMemory例外。
使用光标控制键滚动文字和行动之间的联系。涌现-一个屏幕后,下跌-一个屏幕着,左-一个环节或一个线落后,权利-一个环节或一个行前进。左和右按键用于移动之间的联系,如果至少有一个链接的网页(标有黑盒子) ,或滚动屏幕一条线向前或向后如果没有联系。火警( Enter键)关键原因转移到选定的链接。
如果您保持光标键, autorepeat模式切换和文本将在希望的方向滚动,直到关键是释放。
''0 ''键可切换到主菜单
'' # ''去以往网页(向后)
'' * ''转到下一个网页(着)
Graduation Project Description
Combination of book readers and web browser.
This procedure can be used for web browsing, reading news websites, download and read books and atricles from the site. It is not the implementation of all HTML browser functionality - it does not display images and can not form. The main idea is to make it possible to think that the normal sites (not WAP sites) is very small-screen mobile phones. This application shares a lot of code MobiReader and, above all inteded be used to browse text data.
Size of the load the HTML file is the limited memory available for programs on your mobile phone. The typical limit of about 100kb of memory used by the most popular mobile phone models. Series 60 phone has 3 trillion limit and the new Series 40 phone - about 0.5Mb. Loading the file is too large can cause OutOfMemory exceptions.
You can search the Internet using Google''s search engine used by Internet search items from the main menu.
Scrolling text using the cursor control keys and action links. Have emerged - one screen, down - a screen with the left - a link or a line backward, right - a link or a line of advance. Left and right buttons for moving between, if at least one link to the page (marked with black boxes), or scroll the screen one line forward or backward, if not linked. Fire (Enter key) the key reasons for the transfer to the selected link.
If you keep the cursor keys, autorepeat mode switching and the text will scroll in the desired direction until the key is released.
Use the numeric keys 1-9 scroll down the corresponding number of rows.
''0 ''Key to switch to the main menu
''#'' To the previous page (back)
''*'' To the next page (author)
The plan will always remember your last position - the position of web sites and files. You can go to a bookmark, then select the last bookmark to resume the final meeting.
Search for the implementation of the file from the current page location. Searches are not case-sensitive. In the text displayed in the top of the page.