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本文结合目前中国城市房产管理的实际情况和现阶段房屋产业的供求关系对房产中介系统进行了需求分析,并以此进行了系统功能设计和数据库设计。系统阐述了建立房产信息系统的方法和技术实施。本系统是为了给广大用户提供一个良好的平台而研发的房产中介系统。系统采用JSP+ SQL+TOMCAT以B/S模式开发。系统主要实现了新房及二手房信息的发布,用户需求信息的发布、以及给用户提供一个房产信息的查询功能、和用户权限管理功能、房屋信息管理功能、留言反馈功能以及用户给各个新房供应信息评价功能。

关键字:JSP;SQL;房产中介;留言The Design and Realization of Real Estate Agency System Based on JSP
Information manager system based on computer and communications technology is in a period of vigorous development. As science and technology continue to improve, computer network is increasingly mature, and its powerful functions have been understood by many people profoundly. Network information system based on the computer network is our expectation.
This thesis analyzes the function needs of the system according to China''''s current urban real estate status and the relationship between supply and demand of real estate, then designs system function modules and database. This thesis describes realization methods and technologies of the real estate information system. The system is intended to provide customers with an excellent platform. This system is developed by JSP, SQL and TOMCAT with B/S mode. This system mainly realizes information publication of new houses and second-hand houses, information publication of user demands, providing user with a real estate information query, user privilege management functions, housing information management functions, Online message feedback function and function of user evaluation of every new house information.
Key words:JSP; SQL; real estate agency; online message

目  录

1 引 言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 系统的研究意义 1
1.3 课题研究方法 2
2 系统开发技术介绍 2
2.1 系统开发语言 2
2.1.1 开发语言---HTML 2
2.1.2 开发语言---java script 2
2.1.3 开发语言---JSP 2
2.2 开发软件Dreamweaver 功能的简介 3
2.3 运行环境 3
3 系统总体设计 3
3.1 系统前台模块分析 3
3.1.1 前台功能模块具体分析 3
3.1.2 用户前台模块图 4
3.2 管理员后台模块 5
3.2.1 模块图 5
3.2.2 后台功能模块分析 5
3.3 系统E-R图 5
3.4 系统数据流程图 6
3.5 系统数据库结构及关系图 6
4 系统实现 10
4.1 前台用户功能模块的实现 10
4.1.1 用户注册 11
4.1.2 用户登录 12
4.1.3 个人资料修改 13
4.1.4 房屋信息管理 14
4.1.5 用户房屋信息发布 16
4.1.6 查看房屋信息及新房评分 18
4.1.7 高级搜索 19
4.1.8 用户留言 21
4.2 后台管理模块分析 214.2.1 用户资料管理 22
4.2.2 二手房信息管理 23
4.2.3 新房信息发布与管理 24
4.2.4 留言信息管理 25
结    论 25
参考文献 25
致    谢 26
声    明 27

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