Along with computer network''s swift development, the blog already became writes the network diary essential one kind of tool, is also one kind simple effective provides between the network user to carry on the online exchange the network platform, through its may become friends with more friends, expresses more ideas, it momentarily may issue the diary, facilitates quickly 。Individual blog development, also already became the advertising agent service development the important domain. 4.5 系统各个模块的实现... 25 4.5.1 系统前台首页模块... 25 4.5.2 文章中添加评论模块... 26 4.5.3 首页中网络日历模块... 27 4.5.4 首页中最新公告模块... 27 4.5.5 首页中最新日志模块... 29 4.5.6 首页中友情链接模块... 30 4.5.7 首页中LOGO模块... 30 4.5.8 系统后台管理页面... 32 4.5.9 博客后台文章管理模块... 33 4.5.10 博客后台日志管理模块... 35 4.5.11 博客后台个人相片设置模块... 36 4.5.12 博客后台朋友信息管理模块... 37 博客用户个人信息的安全问题是至关重要的,制定切实可行的安全策略和实施有力的防范手段是非常必要的。系统的安全体系由下述结构组成,如图3.4所示。 博客前台首页index.jsp实现主要功能包括: 1.显示文章的分类列表myeducs.cn 2.点击“阅读全文”可链接到head_ArticleForm.jsp页面查看文章内容和发表评论 3.显示最新公告,并链接到最新公告页面 4.显示最新日志,并链接到最新日志页面 5.显示网络日历 6.显示友情链接的主要内容 7.链接博客后台管理页面 |
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