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摘  要
本文主要介绍了该系统生成的背景及Visual Basic 6.0和Access的一般原理。阐述了整个机动车租赁管理系统的结构及工作原理;分析了系统实现中的特殊性、难点和重点;设计实现了系统用户管理、基本信息管理、业务管理、会员管理等程序模块;分析并解决了现实中的若干技术问题。
【关键词】数据库,Visual Basic6.0,机动车租赁管理







the Automobile Lend-lease Management System
dongfa hong
(School of mathematics,physics and information,Zhejiang Ocean University 316004)
In recent years, the computer technique has become more and more ripe; the database technique develops constantly and the application of the information management system has stretched into every field of our society. Combining the methods and steps of the information management system and basing on the theory of it, I developed a small information management system--the automobile lend-lease management system.
The management of automobile lending and leasing is a necessary part of the company''s daily operation. Traditional way is a waste of human resources and time, and it is complicated and often runs with mistakes. Based on the computer technique, the perfect automobile lend-lease management turns those complicated data calculation and information processing into simple instructions.
It realized the electronic management of data information completely. It liberates people from the human management entirely. After hard work, I finally realized my design as expected, and developed this practical and valuable automobile lend-lease management system. Using it will raise the working rate, reduce the cost and raise the economic benefit of the company.
This paper mainly introduces the develop background of the system and the basic theory of Visual Basic 6.0 and Access Visual. It tells the structure of the automobile lend-lease management system and its working theory; it analyzes the specialty, difficulty and important things in system realization. The design realizes the management of the system users, the basic information, the business, and the members'' management.
【Keywords】Database,Visual Basic6.0,The automobile lend-lease management



摘  要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2  课题实现的基本功能 1
1.2.1数据库管理系统简介 2
1.2.2  SQL语言简介 2
1.2.3  Access2003简介 3
1.2.4  Visual Basic 6.0 简介 3
2 系统的需求分析与可行性研究 5
2.1  业务流程分析 5
2.2  功能分析 5
2.3  数据结构分析 5
3 系统总体设计 7
3.1  系统功能分析 7
3.1.1  系统功能模块设计 7
3.1.2  系统功能模块图 7
3.2  数据库设计 8
3.2.1  数据字典 8
3.2.2  数据库中表的设计 9
4 系统详细设计与实现 13
4.1  登录模块设计 13
4.2  主界面设计 13
4.3 基本信息管理菜单设计 15
4.3.1  销售商信息窗体设计 15
4.3.2  保险公司信息窗体设计 16
4.3.3  车辆信息窗体设计 17
4.4  客户会员管理菜单实现 18
4.4.1  客户信息窗体实现 18
4.4.2  会员信息窗体实现 19
4.4.3  会员类型定义窗体实现 20
4.5  日常业务管理菜单实现 20
4.5.1  汽车租赁窗体实现 20
4.5.2  汽车归还窗体实现 22
4.6  用户信息窗体实现 24
5  系统测试 26
5.1  软件测试的目的及测试方案 26
5.1.1  软件测试的目的 26
5.1.2  软件测试的方案 26
5.2  软件测试过程 27
总结 29
参考文献 30

1 绪论
1.1  课题研究背景及意义
1.2  课题实现的基本功能
基于各方面的研究,同时针对机动车租赁公司的实际情况,查阅并应用数据库、管理信息系统、软件工程的一些基本原理和理论思想,以具有强大的应用程序开发功能和数据库开发功能的Visual Basic6.0为开发工具,设计开发了这套机动车租赁管理系统。在Windows环境下,此系统具有比较友好的界面和基本完善的功能,使用轻松方便,易于维护,适应性强。
为规范操作流程,降低劳动强度使租赁业务走向标准化和科学化, 设计开发了这套管理系统,它的使用将有利于提高租赁公司的劳动生产率,节约生产成本,增加经济效益,希望它能为业内人员的工作提供一定的帮助。
1.2.2  SQL语言简介
SQL(Structured Query Language)语言是1974年由Boyce和Chamberlin提出的。1975年-1979年IBM公司San Jose Research Laboratory研制了著名的关系数据库管理系统原形System R并实现了这种语言。由于它功能丰富,语言简捷倍受用户及计算机工业界欢迎,被众多计算机公司和软件公司所采用。经各公司的不断修改、扩充和完善,SQL语言最终发展成为关系数据库的标准语言。
1986年10月美国国家标准局(American National Standard Institute,简称ANSI)的数据库委员会X3H2批准了SQL作为关系数据库语言的美国标准。同年公布了SQL标准文本(简称SQL-86)。1987年国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization,简称ISO)也通过了这一标准。此后,ANSI不断修改和完善SQL标准,并于1989年公布了SQL-89标准,1992年又公布了SQL-92标准。
1.2.3  Access2003简介
Macrosoft 公司出品的关联式资料库套装软体。它提供视觉化的设计介面,不必撰写程式,即可快速,简单地开发出美观实用的资料库管理系统。
Access的结构:资料(data)→栏位(field)→记录(record)→档案(file)→资料库(data base);资料(data)→资料项(item)→资料录(record)→资料表(table)→资料库(data base)
3 系统总体设计
3.1  系统功能分析
3.1.1  系统功能模块设计
1、类型信息: 包括汽车类型的添加、修改、删除;汽车保险类型的添加、修改、删除。具体信息包括分类名称、具体描述;
2、销售商信息: 包括销售商信息的添加、修改、删除、查询、查看销售汽车。具体信息包括销售商的公司名称、联系地址、联系电话、传真、邮政编码、电子邮箱、联系人、备注;
3、保险公司信息: 包括保险公司信息的添加、修改、删除、查询、查看保险汽车。具体信息包括保险公司的公司名称、联系地址、联系电话、传真、邮政编码、电子邮箱、联系人、备注;
4、车辆信息: 包括车辆信息的查找、修改、添加、删除。具体信息包括车辆的(1)基本信息,有车牌号码、车辆类型、车辆名称、车辆颜色、发动机号、车架编号、燃油编号、购买日期、销售商、状态,(2)保险信息,有保险公司、保单号、开始日期、结束日期、保险种类,(3)租赁价格信息,有押金、日租金、周末租金、周租金、月租金、日限公里数、超时费用、超公里费用、车辆描述;
5、客户信息: 包括客户信息的查找、修改、添加、删除、加入会员。具体信息包括(1)基本信息,有客户编号、姓名、性别、年龄、身份证号、电话、工作单位、地址、邮编、EMAIL,(2)驾驶证信息,有驾驶证号、驾照类型、驾龄、发证日期、失效日期,(3)抵押担保信息,有抵押证件、担保人、担保人身份证、担保人单位;
6、会员信息: 包括会员信息的查找、修改、注销。具体信息包括(1)基本信息,有客户编号、姓名、性别、年龄、身份证号、电话、工作单位、地址、邮编、EMAIL,(2)驾驶证信息,有驾驶证号、驾照类型、驾龄、发证日期、失效日期,(3)抵押担保信息,有抵押证件、担保人、担保人身份证、担保人单位,(4)会员信息,有会员类型、享受折扣;
7、会员类型: 包括会员类型的添加、修改、删除。具体信息包括类型名称、折扣率;
8、汽车租赁: 包括汽车租赁信息的添加、修改、删除、租赁审核、续租、续租审核。具体信息包括合同编号、车牌号码、客户编号、租赁模式、工作日数、周末数、出车公里数、租车时间、还车时间、租车费用、经办人、享受折扣;
9、汽车归还: 包括汽车归还信息的归还、修改、结算审核。具体信息包括合同编号、回车公里数、实际还车时间、其它费用、实付金额、经办人;
10、系统用户信息: 包括添加用户和删除用户。具体信息包括用户名、密码、确认密码;
11、系统帮助信息: 包含软件使用过程中的一些重要的、需要注意的使用方法和其它一




经过近几个月的学习和摸索,我终于完成了这个“机动车租赁管理系统”。通过开发过程,我比较深入地掌握了Visual Basic 6.0的使用方法,对数据库的理解也更加深刻了。由始至终的开发过程,让我深刻体会到软件工程这门学科对于程序开发的重要性。一个工程的开发,编程过程并不是最重要的,对于那些熟练掌握编程语言的软件开发者来说,一个工程的代码实现,并不难做到。真正重要的反而是那些在编程之前所需做的工作。从软件的需求分析到系统设计,每一步都非常重要,一个高质量的软件,从一开始就要扎扎实实的做好需求分析,为后续的系统设计和实现打下良好的基础。



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Vehicle Rental Management System

In recent years, computer technology has matured, the continuous development of database technology, management information systems applications have extended to all areas of society. Combination of management information system development methods and steps for this as the theoretical basis to develop a small-scale information management system - vehicle rental management system.
Motor Vehicle Lease Management is a car rental company to carry out day to day operational activities must be links. The traditional manual management is not only a waste of manpower, time, and manage complex, error-prone. Computer-based technology, complete management system for motor vehicle lease data in some tedious calculations, information processing operations into simple instructions. The full realization of the computerized data and information management, a thorough man freed from the manual management. Through hard work, and finally to achieve the desired design objectives, to develop this vehicle has a certain practical value of the lease management system, using this system is conducive to raising the car rental company''s labor productivity, reduce production costs and increase economic benefits.
This paper describes the system-generated background and Visual Basic 6.0 and Access of the general principles. Set out the entire vehicle rental management system structure and working principle; analysis of the particularity of the system implementation, problems and priorities; Design and Implementation of the system user management, basic information management, business management, membership management, program modules; to analyze and solve in reality, a number of technical problems.
【Key Words】 database, Visual Basic6.0, motor vehicle leasing management

the Automobile Lend-lease Management System
dongfa hong
(School of mathematics, physics and information, Zhejiang Ocean University 316004)
In recent years, the computer technique has become more and more ripe; the database technique develops constantly and the application of the information management system has stretched into every field of our society. Combining the methods and steps of the information management system and basing on the theory of it, I developed a small information management system - the automobile lend-lease management system.
The management of automobile lending and leasing is a necessary part of the company''s daily operation. Traditional way is a waste of human resources and time, and it is complicated and often runs with mistakes. Based on the computer technique, the perfect automobile lend-lease management turns those complicated data calculation and information processing into simple instructions.
It realized the electronic management of data information completely. It liberates people from the human management entirely. After hard work, I finally realized my design as expected, and developed this practical and valuable automobile lend-lease management system. Using it will raise the working rate, reduce the cost and raise the economic benefit of the company.
This paper mainly introduces the develop background of the system and the basic theory of Visual Basic 6.0 and Access Visual. It tells the structure of the automobile lend-lease management system and its working theory; it analyzes the specialty, difficulty and important things in system realization. The design realizes the management of the system users, the basic information, the business, and the members'' management.
【Keywords】 Database, Visual Basic6.0, The automobile lend-lease management

Summary I
Abstract II
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Significance of a Research Project
1.2 subject to achieve the basic functions of a
1.2.1 Database Management System 2
1.2.2 SQL Language Profile 2
1.2.3 Access2003 Introduction 3
1.2.4 Visual Basic 6.0 Introduction 3
2 System Requirements Analysis and Feasibility Study 5
2.1 Business Process Analysis 5
2.2 Functional Analysis 5
2.3 Data Structure Analysis 5
3 System Design 7
3.1 System Functional Analysis 7
3.1.1 System Function Module 7
3.1.2 System Functional Block Diagram 7
3.2 Database Design 8
3.2.1 Data Dictionary 8
3.2.2 Design of the database table 9
4 system detailed design and implementation of 13
4.1 Login module design 13
4.2 Main Interface Design 13
4.3 Basic Information Management Menu Design 15
4.3.1 Vendor Information Form Design 15
4.3.2 Insurance Information Form Design 16
4.3.3 Vehicle Information Form Design 17
4.4 Customer Management menu to achieve 18 members
4.4.1 Customer Information Form to achieve 18
4.4.2 Member Information Form to achieve 19
4.4.3 Member Type Definition form to achieve 20
4.5 day to day business management menu to achieve 20
4.5.1 Car Rental Form to achieve 20
4.5.2 return the form to achieve 22 vehicles
4.6 User Information form to achieve 24
5 System Test 26
5.1 The purpose of software testing and test program 26
5.1.1 The purpose of software testing, 26
5.1.2 Software Testing Program 26
5.2 Software Testing Process 27
Summary 29
References 30

1 Introduction
1.1 Background and significance of the research
The development of modern science to enable computers into almost all fields. From scientific research to industrial and agricultural production, from production management to family life, and all walks of life are widely used with computers. The data and information management in today''s society can not do without computer technology support. How to realize the data fast, efficient, and practical management of the software development industry goal.
Today, with the development of social production, people''s living standards, motor vehicle leasing has become a great market potential of the industry, faced with the rapid development of the rental market, the traditional manual rental management during a multiplicity of business information processing seems very suited, therefore, it is about the use of computers to support coordination and management of rental demand is gradually increase the work of .
With the improvement of material conditions of society, the production pace of life speeds up, growing awareness of the importance of time, at work, life, more and more focus on how to save time and improve efficiency. Because of work and life''s sake, when necessary, car rental companies to lease the vehicles service requirements, has become a widely recognized and accepted by the public behavior and choices. In such a society driven by strong demand, vehicle leasing market has witnessed an unprecedented flourishing. Crowds of various car rental companies, business surged. However, in the busy behind the scenes, but it also exposed motor vehicle leasing companies in dealing with business information to artificially brought about mainly such as: inefficient management of confusion, mistakes increased, and many other disadvantages. In practice, the car rental industry, owners are increasingly aware of the use of computer leasing industry, the introduction of the importance of information management and began to constantly improve their own quality and high-tech investment in their work to improve information management, improve service efficiency .
Motor vehicle rental management is the vehicle information and customer information management, mainly including rental vehicles, state vehicles, basic information, the vehicle''s insurance situation, the vehicle''s factory situation, customer information management. Because the relationship between the complexity of these processes, there is one to one relationship, one to many relationship, there are many to many relationships, all of which have become the motor management of large and complex, previously included there is still a lot of rental the company manual management, directly led to the wrong generation, the low quality of service. Motor vehicle rental management system makes this situation has fundamentally improved. The management system includes covering all aspects of vehicle leasing business. Makes the motor vehicle rental services can be quickly completed specifications, saving manpower and material resources, improve the quality of service and economic benefits.
1.2 subject to achieve the basic functions of
Vehicle Rental Management System is aimed at motor vehicle rental companies provide rental cars to customers in the service process in the various problems faced by its business information automation, information processing, the vehicle lease administration has become standardized, fast, efficient .
Based on various aspects of research, while aiming at the actual situation of vehicle rental companies to access and apply databases, management information systems, software engineering, some of the basic principles and theories of thinking, a powerful application development features and database development functions Visual Basic6 .0 for the development of tools, designed and developed a set of vehicle rental management system. In the Windows environment, this system has a more friendly interface and the basic sound features, and easy to use, easy maintenance, strong adaptability.
The system, including customer information management, vehicle information management, car rental return of management, membership type, management, and membership information management, insurance companies, car dealers management. Have to add, modify, delete, query and other functions, through which management module, car rental services can be more clarity, more convenient and improve the quality of service, reducing the operator workload.
To standardize operational processes, reduce labor intensity and leasing business move towards a standardized and scientific, design and development of this management system, its use will help improve the leasing company''s labor productivity, reduce production costs and increase economic efficiency and, one hopes the industry''s job to provide some help.
1.2.1 Database Management System Introduction
Database is the latest data management technology is an important branch of computer science. The database is within the long-term storage in the computer, organized, and can share data sets. Data in the database organized according to a certain data model, description and storage, with less redundancy, higher data independence and easy extensibility, and can be for a variety of users to share. Database management system is located in a layer between the user and the operating system data management software . Main function of data definition, data manipulation functionality, database management and database running the establishment and maintenance functions. It is the database system is an important component of . More than ten years, database management systems from a dedicated application packages developed into a common system software. As the database has a data structure of the minimum redundancy, the higher the independence of the procedures and data, easy expansion, easy-to-application procedures for the preparation of the advantages of a larger information systems are built on top of database design . Therefore, not only large-scale computers and small computer, and even the microprocessor is equipped with a database management system. Currently, the database models of research and theoretical study are still thriving, its applications extend from general management to computer-aided design, artificial intelligence, and technical computing and other fields.
Today, the information resources has become an important asset in all departments and resources. The establishment of an information processing at all levels to meet the requirements of an effective information system has also become a business or organization an important condition for the survival and development . Therefore, as the core and foundation of information systems database technology has increasingly gained a wide range of applications, from small individual transaction processing systems to large-scale information systems, from the online transaction processing to online analytical processing, from general business management to computer-aided design and manufacturing ( CAD / CAM), computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS), Office Information System (OIS), geographic information systems (GIS) and so on, more and more new applications using a database to store and manage their information resources . For a country, the construction of the database size, database size and the amount of information has become a measure of frequency of use in this country important indicator of the degree of information.
1.2.2 SQL Language Introduction
SQL (Structured Query Language) language is a 1974 made by Boyce and Chamberlin. 1975, -1,979, IBM''s San Jose Research Laboratory developed the well-known relational database management system prototype System R and implements the language. Because of its feature-rich, language simple Beishou the user and the computer industry welcomed by many computer companies and software used by companies. After the company''s continuously changing, and expanded and improved, SQL relational database language eventually developed into the standard language .
In October 1986 the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (American National Standard Institute, referred to as ANSI) Database Committee X3H2 approved a SQL relational database language of the United States as the standard. In the same year published a SQL standard text (the SQL-86). 1987 International Organization for Standardization (International Organization for Standardization, referred to as ISO) also adopted this standard. Since then, ANSI constantly modify and improve the SQL standard, and in 1989 published the SQL-89 standard, published in 1992, then SQL-92 standard .
Since the SQL as an international standard language after all database manufacturers have introduced their own software or with the SQL of SQL interface software. This makes the majority of the database are using SQL as a common data access language and standard interfaces, so that different database systems interoperability have a common basis . This is of great significance. Therefore, it was to establish the SQL relational database language standards and their subsequent development called a revolution. SQL as an international standard, outside the field of the database also had a significant impact, there are many software products will be SQL data query language features and graphics capabilities, software engineering tools, software development tools, artificial intelligence programs combined .
SQL is a relational algebra and the relationship between the structure between calculus-based query language, its function is not just inquiries. SQL is a generic, functional strong relational database language. SQL language set of data query, data manipulation, data definition and data control functions in one, the main features include: integrated and unified, highly non-procedural, set-oriented mode of operation to the same grammatical structure provides two kinds of usage, language simple easy to learn and easy to use. SQL database, the field has become a mainstream language.
Introduction 1.2.3 Access2003
Macrosoft companies produce go relational database package. It provides visual design interface, without writing code, you can quickly and easily develop a beautiful and practical database management system .
Access structure: Information (data) → field (field) → log (record) → file (file) → database (data base); information (data) → data item (item) → data record (record) → data table (table) → database (data base)
Access2003 has the following components:
Data Sheet: In order to access data storage place, is also a fundamental source of information, a database at least there is a table.
Inquiries: Keyi user needs, with some constraints (filter, filter ) to select the data table.
Forms: the establishment of a user input, query, modify the operation of the information screen.
Statement: The information on the use of statements made of the data library has information on the use of the value of the screen.
Data page: To access2003 additional objects, information released to the network medium. After the completion of the establishment of this object will be outside in the database file, and then generate a HTML file.
Macros: Create a simple data manipulation commands and the implementation of a series of actions will be automated. Applied to a number of repetitive movements or for the user to customize the working environment.
Module: development and application of the system tools. Is to allow users to control a more free-wheeling system .
3 System Design
3.1 System Functional Analysis
3.1.1 System Function Module Design
The completion of its main functions are as follows:
1, type information: including automotive types to add, modify or delete; car insurance types to add, modify or delete. Specific information including the category names, specific description;
2, vendors of information: including vendor information, to add, modify, delete, query, view the sales of cars. Specific information includes the vendor company name, contact address, telephone, fax, postal code, e-mail, contacts, notes;
3, the insurance company information: including insurance information to add, modify, delete, query, view the automobile insurance. Specific information, including insurance companies, company name, contact address, contact telephone, fax, postal code, e-mail, contacts, notes;
4, vehicle information: including vehicle information, search, modify, add, delete. Specific information, including the vehicle (1) basic information, there is plate number, vehicle type, vehicle name, vehicle color, engine number, chassis number, fuel oil number, purchase date, vendor, status, (2), insurance information, there is insurance company, policy number, start date, end date, insurance type, (3) rental price information, there is a deposit, Japan and rental, weekend rental, weekly rentals, monthly rentals, Japanese limited mileage, overtime costs, super-km costs, vehicle description;
5 Customer Information: including customer information to find, modify, add, delete, join the membership. Specific information includes (1) basic information, there are customer number, name, gender, age, ID number, telephone, work unit, address, ZIP, EMAIL, (2) driver''s license information, a driver''s permit number, license type, driving experience , certification date, expiration date, (3) collateral information, secured documents, guarantor, sponsor ID, sponsor units;
6, member information: membership information, including search, modify, cancel. Specific information includes (1) basic information, there are customer number, name, gender, age, ID number, telephone, work unit, address, ZIP, EMAIL, (2) driver''s license information, a driver''s permit number, license type, driving experience , certification date, expiration date, (3) collateral information, secured documents, guarantor, sponsor ID, sponsor unit, (4), membership information, with a membership type, discount;
7, member types: including membership types to add, modify or delete. Specific information includes the type name, the discount rate;
8, car rental: including car rental information to add, modify, delete, lease review, renewal, renewal audit. Specific information including contract number, license plate number, customer number, leasing model, number of working days over the weekend the number of mileage out of the bus, car rental time, off time, car rental costs, managers and enjoy the discount;
9, auto return: the return of information, the return of motor vehicles, modification, settlement auditing. Specific information including the contract number, enter the number of kilometers, the actual off time, other costs, paid the amount of managers;
10, the system user information: including adding users and delete users. Specific information including user name, password, confirm password;
11, the system help information: contains the software used in the process of a number of important and need to pay attention to the use of methods and other one


After the past few months of learning and exploration, I have finally completed the "motor vehicle rental management system." Through the development process, I am more in-depth grasp of the Visual Basic 6.0 to use the database and more profoundly understood. The very beginning of the development process, so I deeply appreciate the discipline of software engineering for the importance of program development. The development of a project, the programming process is not the most important, for those familiar with the programming language of software developers for a project code implementation is not difficult to achieve. Really important thing is those who needed to be done prior to programming. From software requirements analysis to system design, each step is very important, a high-quality software, from the outset of the good demand for solid analysis, system design and implementation of follow-up to lay a good foundation.
The system interface, beautiful design and reasonable, able to achieve the expected functionality, but the system fault-tolerance is not quite perfect. This shows that my programming skills to be improved. In the future I will continue to study hard and continue to enrich, and improve ourselves.
Overall, the system is designed to be broadly in line with user requirements and can be delivered to users.
Because I is limited, ideas and techniques in the design method may be more dull in the development of mastery of the language may be relatively shallow, therefore, reflected in the system, it is inevitable there are many shortcomings, the earnest hope that the teacher criticism, corrections.

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