摘 要
关于即时通讯系统(Instant Messaging System)的研究目前是互联网中一个热门方向,尤其是关于企业级的即时通讯系统更为国内外应用的热点。企业版的即时通讯软件的诞生,给企业的管理带来了新的思路和手段。推动了企业工作效率的提高,办公费用的降低,引起了工程应用领域的研究热潮。
本即时通讯软件系统采用了客户机/服务器(C/S)模式,软件的主体开发环境选择的是Visual Basic 6.0(SP6),搭配的是ADO技术调用Access数据库。
关键词:即时通讯软件系统 服务器 客户端 局域网 ADO技术 Visual Basic
Instant Messaging Software
Ning Li
(School of mathematics, physics and information, Zhejiang Ocean University 316004)
The research about the Instant Messaging System is a hot direction of the internet industry at present, it is especially a focus studied both at home and abroad even more about the instant messaging system of enterprise customer. The birth of the instant messaging software of the enterprise edition has brought the new thoughts and means to management of enterprises. Having promoted the improvement of enterprise''s working efficiency, the reducing of the official bossiness cost, has caused the research upsurge of the project application.
The most fundamental function of IM is the data exchange between the computer. IM''s merit is to rapid , to have established one kind between conduct conveniently to link way up late-model , low-priced , speedy , simple and convenient. At present,IM is an entertainment chat implement not only , also is the internal administration being affecting a local area network and their exchange way.
LAN IM has provided a new means to the exchange between enterprise employee. One can receive and send imformation immediately.
The instant messaging system has adopted the client/server (C/S) mode. The software exploitation environment is Visual Basic 6.0(SP6).The data base mode is Access.
Key words:Instant Messaging System Server Client Local Area Network(LAN) ADO Visual Basic
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1概述 1
1.1即时通讯软件的发展历程 1
1.2 国内外即时通讯研究的现状 1
1.3 本文的研究内容和意义 2
2系统设计与选型 3
2.1了解用户需求 3
2.2软件工具的选型 4
2.3服务器模块的功能分析 4
2.4客户端模块的功能分析 4
3数据环境的设计 6
3.1服务器端Users.mdb的结构 6
3.2客户端Data.Mdb的结构 7
3.3客户端Users.ini的结构 7
4网络协议的设计 8
4.1网络协议概述 8
4.2网络协议的设计 8
5服务器模块的创建 10
5.1服务器端的主窗体frmServer 10
5.2服务器的初始化 11
5.3接受客户端的连接 12
5.4服务器与客户端的数据交互 12
5.5客户端断开连接 13
5.6服务器断开同客户端的连接 13
6客户端功能模块的创建 14
6.1创建主模块MainModule 14
6.2“登陆”窗体frmStep1 14
6.3“注册向导1”窗体frmStep2 15
6.4“注册向导2”窗体frmInformation 15
6.5“客户端”主体窗frmClient 17
6.6内存索引模块MemoryTree 23
6.7消息发送窗体frmChat 24
6.8新消息处理窗体frmNewMessage 25
6.9“历史消息”窗体frmHistory 26
7总结 28
参考文献 29
这是一个信息高度膨胀的时代,网络已经融入我们的生活,它改变着我们的生活,也改变着我们的交流方式。新世纪的人才是善于交流的人才,而网络即提供了一个很好的交流平台。网络上的交流方式有很多种,包括电子邮件、聊天室、论坛、博客与即时通讯软件(如QQ,MSN)等。其中即时通讯软件(Instant Messaging)是发源较早并有持续生命力的一种,尤其是在近几年,即时通讯软件已在世界范围内蓬勃发展到一个新的高度。
在ICQ取得巨大成功之后,许多公司纷纷效仿,如美国AOL公司的Instant Messenger,Yahoo公司的Yahoo Messenger等。有调查资料甚至列出了国外多达18种的即时通讯软件。在我国,深圳腾讯公司1999年2月推出了腾讯QQ。目前国内数十家公司拥有自主知识产权的即时通讯产品。
1.2 国内外即时通讯研究的现状
1.3 本文的研究内容和意义
关于即时通讯软件系统(Instant Messaging System)的研究目前是互联网中一个热门方向,尤其是关于企业级的即时通讯系统更为国内外应用的热点。企业版的即时通讯软件的诞生,给企业的管理带来了新的思路和手段,推动了企业工作效率的提高,办公费用的降低,引起了工程应用领域的研究热潮。
由于用户需求很可能产生变动,所以增量迭代(incremental and iterative)的方法确实值得推广,但是这又涉及到一个组织成熟度的问题,因为由此会提高对Architect的能力要求,而且需求管理和测试更加要求严格。
(1) 用户登录功能:只有注册过的用户才能使用该软件发送和接受信息。
(2) 新用户注册功能:注册新用户。
(3) 能够添加好友,并显示在好友名单中,
(4) 能够在好友名单中选择一个好友,给好友即时发送信息;
(5) 发送的信息中可以带有表情符号。
(6) 当好友不在线时信息存储在服务器,也就是可以给其留言。
(7) 当收到信息时要求有提示,避免错过及时查看信息。
(8) 能够存储历史信息,一边查看以前的信息。
(9) 能够将某些人添加到黑名单,能自动屏蔽黑名单中的人发送来的信息,避免被骚扰[16]。
(1) 低成本的解决方案:系统只能完成最必要的工作,不能多做一点额外的工作。
(2) 中等成本的解决方案:这样的系统不仅能够很好地完成预定的任务,使用起来很方便,而且可能还具有用户没有具体指定的某些功能和特点。虽然用户没有提出这些具体要求,但是系统分析员根据自己的知识和经验断定,这些附加的能力在实践中将证明是很有价值的。
(3) 高成本的“十全十美”的系统:这样的系统具有用户可能希望有的所有功能和特点。
在充分权衡各种方案的利弊的基础上,选择一个较好的系统(最佳方案)。本即时通讯软件的主体开发环境选择的是Visual Basic 6.0(SP6),搭配的是ADO技术调用Access数据库,选择的理由如下。
(1) 本软件的技术难度不是很大,但是需要实现的细节功能比较多,所以选择一个相对比较容易使用的开发工具有利于将注意力集中在软件的功能本身,而不是开发工具的使用,所以选择Visual Basic 6.0(SP6)中文版作为开发环境。
(2) 在服务器端需要利用数据库记录用户的留言信息,在客户端需要利用数据库记录用户接受到的新消息和历史消息。这些数据不会构成很大的数据量,所以不需要采用MS SQL Server等大中型数据库,而采用ADO控件可以非常方便调用的Access数据库。
另外,到微软的网站上给Visual Basic安装补丁SP6后,使得本软件的开发工作节省了不少力气,否则ImageCombo控件都不能使用。
Instant Messenger
On the instant messaging system (Instant Messaging System) study is now a popular direction for the Internet, particularly on the enterprise-class instant messaging systems use more domestic and foreign hot spots. Enterprise instant messaging software, the birth of the management of the enterprise has brought new ideas and means. Promoted enterprise work efficiency, reduced office expenses rise to research in the field of engineering application boom.
Instant messaging in the most basic function is between the text data through the computer realized in the form of the exchange of ideas and communication, it has the advantage of convenience, in order to create among the people a new, cheap, fast and easy means of communication. The current instant messaging systems are not only entertainment, chat tools, but also affects the internal local area network management and communication.
LAN instant messaging system for communication between employees also provided a new tool, which is a customizable network messaging software, we can immediately send a message.
The instant messaging software system uses a client / server (C / S) mode, the main body of the software development environment of choice is Visual Basic 6.0 (SP6), with the ADO technology, called Access database.
Keywords: instant messaging software client server LAN ADO technology Visual Basic
Instant Messaging Software
Ning Li
(School of mathematics, physics and information, Zhejiang Ocean University 316004)
The research about the Instant Messaging System is a hot direction of the internet industry at present, it is especially a focus studied both at home and abroad even more about the instant messaging system of enterprise customer. The birth of the instant messaging software of the enterprise edition has brought the new thoughts and means to management of enterprises. Having promoted the improvement of enterprise''s working efficiency, the reducing of the official bossiness cost, has caused the research upsurge of the project application.
The most fundamental function of IM is the data exchange between the computer. IM''s merit is to rapid, to have established one kind between conduct conveniently to link way up late-model, low-priced, speedy, simple and convenient. At present, IM is an entertainment chat implement not only, also is the internal administration being affecting a local area network and their exchange way.
LAN IM has provided a new means to the exchange between enterprise employee. One can receive and send imformation immediately.
The instant messaging system has adopted the client / server (C / S) mode. The software exploitation environment is Visual Basic 6.0 (SP6). The data base mode is Access.
Key words: Instant Messaging System Server Client Local Area Network (LAN) ADO Visual Basic
Summary I
Abstract II
An overview of a
1.1 Instant messaging software development process a
1.2 Research on the status of domestic and foreign instant messaging a
1.3 This study content and significance of two
2 System Design and Selection 3
2.1 understand the user needs three
2.2 Selection of four software tools
2.3 Server Module Functional Analysis 4
2.4 Functional Analysis of client-side module 4
3 Data Environment Design 6
3.1 server-side Users.mdb Structure 6
3.2 The structure of 7 client Data.Mdb
3.3 The structure of 7 client Users.ini
4 Network Protocol Design 8
4.1 Network Protocol Overview 8
4.2 Network Protocol Design 8
5 server module to create 10
5.1 server-side main form frmServer 10
5.2 Server Initialization 11
5.3 to accept client connections 12
5.4 server and the client data exchange 12
5.5 client disconnects 13
5.6 server, disconnect the connection with the client 13
6, the client functional modules to create 14
6.1 Create the main module MainModule 14
6.2 "login" form frmStep1 14
6.3 "Registration Wizard, a" form frmStep2 15
6.4 "Registration Wizard 2" form frmInformation 15
6.5 "client" of the main window frmClient 17
6.6 Memory Module MemoryTree 23 Index
6.7 message form frmChat 24
6.8 news dealing with the form frmNewMessage 25
6.9 "historical information" form frmHistory 26
7 Summary 28
References 29
1 Overview
This is an era of the highly inflated, the network has been integrated into our lives, and it has changed our lives, but also changing our form of communication. The new century, the exchange of talent is good talent, and the network could provide a good platform. Communication on the network There are many ways, including email, chat rooms, forums, blog and instant messaging software (such as QQ, MSN) and so on. One instant messaging software (Instant Messaging) is the origin and the continued vitality of an earlier one, especially in recent years, instant messaging software has been booming in the world to a new level.
The use of instant messaging software on the server the user registration information and online users to build virtual communities; server to provide status information for community members and contact information so that users communicate with each other; users to use a specific instant messaging client to log on to the server, locate the the user would like to contact people to communicate.
1.1 Instant messaging software development process
In November 1996, the Israeli Mirablils introduced the world''s first instant messaging software that was popular around the world "network pager ICQ" . This declaration of the "instant messaging" is the birth of the concept and led to instant messaging software later marked the beginning of .
After the great success in the ICQ, and many companies followed suit, such as the U.S. AOL''s Instant Messenger, Yahoo the company''s Yahoo Messenger and so on. A survey of information and even foreign countries are listed up to 18 kinds of instant messaging software . In China, the Shenzhen Tencent in February 1999 launched the Tencent QQ . Currently dozens of companies with independent intellectual property rights of the instant messaging product.
Just a few years, the rapid development of instant messaging software systems: a commercial product after another, users all over the world, rapid technological changes.
1.2 Research on the status of instant messaging at home and abroad
From a commercial research side, instant messaging software for free from the original policy, to the gradual integration of innovation in a variety of mining and profit model, instant messaging, the gradual expansion of market income, while providing enterprise users with a set of business instant messaging solution will become the future instant messaging companies competing in hot and profitable new space .
IM operators profit model, including Internet value-added services, wireless value-added services, advertising services and enterprise instant messaging services. Previously, instant messaging operator approach also restricted to the profitability of the Internet instant messaging value-added business, but as the market development and functions of the development, wireless networking value-added services and advertising business more involved in the overall revenue for carriers [8 ].
From the academic side of instant communications research at home and abroad are very few published papers . Only a few focused on instant messaging elements of the definition of basic services and instant messaging software, technology, programming techniques, etc. . Moreover, some of the discussion on security .
In general, domestic and international research on instant messaging systems and in-depth enough.
1.3 This study content and significance of
With regard to instant messaging software system (Instant Messaging System) study is now a popular direction for the Internet, particularly on the enterprise-class instant messaging systems use more domestic and foreign hot spots. Enterprise instant messaging software, the birth of the management of the enterprise has brought new ideas and means to promote the enterprise work efficiency, reduced office expenses rise to research in the field of engineering applications fever .
Generally companies hope to enhance communication between internal staff, but also hope that such exchanges can be time-saving, convenient and full. At present, even traditional companies have begun to use the computer management daily work, not to mention today''s high-tech enterprise. Computer has become the necessary equipment to work within the company LAN and Internet applications have become widespread, in order to make full use of network resources, companies generally offer services such as E-mail, forums, etc. within the company network means of communication.
LAN instant messaging system for communication between employees also provided a new tool, which is a customizable network messaging software, we can immediately send a message, when the other person is not online, information is also not lost. In addition to providing functionality to send messages, but also provides the user group, emoticons, information, tips and other auxiliary functions .
Through the system development process, can acquire a custom format for network transmission, network transmission of data, network-side storage, client-side storage and so on.
2 System Design and Selection
2.1 understanding of user needs
Development of software, perhaps due to the company''s needs, may be entrusted by the people, regardless of case, full understanding of the needs of users in order to develop easy to use software.
At the start of work before the first full understanding of the needs of users will ultimately meet the needs of users of the software, thus making it possible to avoid in the software development process carried out again and again three changes, time-consuming and labor-intensive, an increase of double the workload.
Now many software companies not only develop their own commercial software, there is an important business is the "next project" - in response to customer demand for software development. To the final stage of project development, software has already taken shape, internal testing after the presentation to the customer, often at this time trouble comes, the causes of trouble usually is that the needs of users change.
Users begin a function of the software often only the preliminary identification (or even just the initial intention), only specific things on the front of the real, he was likely to focus on these, and then pointed out that the process is not the case, they should also have what function, etc., or statements of the form of how the.
Users will always be experts in this field. Therefore, before carrying out system design must have a full conversation with users to understand the user''s industry, industry terminology, daily operations, usage, view the written statements of the past, and so on. In particular, note that if the user previously managed using a computer, be sure to study before the use of management software, why should replace the bad place in which, the need to retain the good aspects of what is, in order to make the system design may provide detailed design specifications [15].
As the user demand is likely to have change, so an incremental iterative (incremental and iterative) method is indeed worthy of promotion, but it also involves the maturity of an organization, because this would enhance the ability of the Architect''s requirements and demand management and testing is more demanding.
The commercial nature of the software, but also to fully investigate potential consumer demand, and then determine the software functionality and style and so on, the wrong market positioning software products will inevitably lead to failure. This shows how important it is to understand user needs.
Specific to the LAN instant messaging system, the user''s basic needs are as follows.
(1) The user login function: Only registered users can use the software to send and receive information.
(2) New user registration functions: registration of new users.
(3) to add a friend, and displayed in the friends list,
(4) be able to choose your friends list a friends, send messages to friends immediately;
(5) The information can be sent with the emoticons.
(6) When the friend is not online when the information is stored on the server, that is, give their comments.
(7) Upon receipt of information requests are prompted to view the information in time to avoid missing.
(8) can be stored for historical information, side view previous information.
(9) can be added to the blacklist certain people can automatically shielded blacklist of people to send to the information to avoid being harassed [16].
Because the function of concentration, so it''s very simple. Even so, since the majority of the project do not have enough time or resources to implement each function, so need to decide which features are necessary and what is important, these are the main part of the development needs. Customer needs can only be responsible for setting priorities, because developers can not view the decision in accordance with customer''s needs priority. While no one wants to see their desired needs in the project has not been achieved, but, after all, is to face the reality, based on business decisions sometimes have priority to narrow the scope of the project, or to seek a compromise in quality [17].
From the LAN instant messaging systems, the most important needs in general is the first 1,2,4 item.
2.2 Selection of software tools
First of all, consider possible solutions. For example, what kind of development tools, the information is stored using the traditional file system or database, use the method to carry out network communications. Normally should at least consider the following types of possible options.
(1) low-cost solution: the system had completed only the most necessary work can not do a bit more extra work.
(2) medium cost solution: such a system is not only well positioned to complete the scheduled tasks, very easy to use, and may also have a user does not specify some of the features and characteristics. While the user does not make these specific requirements, but the system analyst according to their own knowledge and experience to conclude that these additional capabilities will be in practice proved to be valuable.
(3) The high cost of the "perfect" system: This system has a user may want to have all the functionality and features.
Fully weigh the pros and cons of various options, based on the choice of a better system (best program). The instant messaging software, the main development environment of choice is Visual Basic 6.0 (SP6), with the ADO technology, called Access database, choose the following reasons.
(1) The technical difficulty of this software is not large, but the need to implement the details of the functions are more, so I chose a relatively easy to use development tools help to focus attention on the software functionality itself, rather than developing the use of tools, so I chose Visual Basic 6.0 (SP6) Chinese version as a development environment.
(2) In the server side need to use the database records the user''s voice messages, the client need to use the database records the user receive the news and historical information. These data do not constitute a large amount of data, so do not need to use MS SQL Server and other large and medium sized databases, while the use of ADO control can be very easily call Access database.
In addition to Microsoft''s Web site for Visual Basic install a patch after SP6, making the development of the software saves a lot of effort, otherwise ImageCombo controls can not be used.
2.3 Server Module Functional Analysis
LAN instant messaging function of the system is divided into two categories - client-side functionality and server-side functionality.
A server-side features a: monitoring user status. On the server side, not only can see all the user''s registration information, but also in real time to see a user''s online status.
Server-side function 2: Display the user a message. If a user to another user is not online impending arrival on the server side it will be recorded as a message which information.
(1) The main interface to display the user''s registration information
(2) The main interface displays all the user''s online status
(3) shows all of the messages from
(4) at any time modify the user''s registration information
(5) at any time modify the voice messages
2.4 Functional Analysis of client-side module
(1) in the status bar, status bar area on the Display icon.
(2) In the main interface is called news handled by the menu interface.
(3) In the main interface is called through the menu interface for message processing history.
(4) The status bar icon can invoke the menu, and animate eye-catching way to prompt the user received the news.
(5) with ADO to read and write control rtf document that contains the database.
(6) to online users to send instant messages.
(Seven) to send a message the message is not online.
(8) messages can include icons and text.
(9) can set the message text color and font.
(10) for the contact group.
(11) shield blacklist information.