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校园网交换机节点管理 摘要  本毕业论文(设计)是在Visual Basic 6.0编程环境下实现的,主要研究如何使用交换机和利用VB程序设计语言来开发一套图形界面的校园网交换机节点管理程序,对交换机各端口进行设置,修改某一子网在指定时间内的连通状态。完成此管理程序能够方便的管理校园网的交换机节点,减少管理员定时开通或关闭子网的工作量。该程序使用VB自带的Winsock控件telnet到交换机的某一端口,然后通过对交换机发送一系列命令,来设置交换机各Vlan和端口的相关状态;将交换机各子网的相关信息、修改子网连通状态的时间信息等存储在文本文件中,使用一个timer控件定时访问这些文本文件来决定是否修改某子网的连通状态,然后使用访问控制列表(Access Control List, ACL)来修改。通过完成这个题目,加深对交换机的理解,并且更好地学习编程思想,掌握VB语言的应用,了解软件开发的过程,为以后进一步的研究打好基础。

关键词  VB,交换机,Winsock控件

Port Subnet Administrator

Abstract: Accomplished in Visual Basic 6.0 programming environment, this graduation thesis mainly studies how to make use of the switch and employ VB Programming Language to develop an administration program of a series of graphical interfaces campus web switch modes, setting up the switch ports and modifying the state of connection of some subnet in a certain time. The program can conveniently control campus web switch nodes so as to decrease the administrator’s work load that he turns on or off the subnet timely. Using Winsock control in VB, the program telnet the some port in switch. Then, by sending a series of orders to the switch, it puts up the state of connection of switch VLAN and ports. When the information relative to the switch subnets and the time information about modifying the state of connection of subnets are stored in the text files, the program using a timer control to open these files timely in order to decide whether it is revised the state of connection of some subnet or not, and then it is employed ACL to revise it. By finishing this paper, I get deeper understanding about the switch, learn more about the programming thought, grasp the application of VB Programming Language and know the process of developing software. All of these aspects lay the good foundations of my further research in future.

Keywords:VB,Switch,Winsock control

   目    录 目    录 3

引  言 4

第2章   VB概述 5

2.1 Visual Basic 简介 5

2.2 Visual Basic 功能特点 6

第3章   交换机概述 8

3.1什么是三层交换机 8

3.2 虚拟局域网 9

3.3 访问控制列表 11

第四章   课题实现的功能介绍 13

第五章   功能实现 16

5.1 日程文件的实现 16

5.2 Winsock控件创建TCP/IP通讯 17

5.3  定时功能的实现 20

第6章   结论 24

第七章   致谢 25

第8章  参考文献 26

第9章  附录(Cisco基本命令集) 27


引  言 目前,全球已掀起一股信息高速公路规划和建设的高潮,作为其雏形,国际互联网(Internet)上相连的计算机已近达数千万台,全球有数亿人在Internet上进行信息交换和各种业务处理。Internet上积累了大量信息资源,这些资源涉及人类面对和从事的各个领域、行业及社会公用服务信息。成为信息时代全球可共享的最大信息基地。随着现代化教学活动的深入开展和国内外教学机构相互交往的日益频繁,学校通过网络进行各种复杂信息交流的需求越来越旺盛。因此,为了要控制学生在某课程上机时间专心该课程的学习等等。本毕业设计通过对Visual Basic程序设计语言知识的深入学习和对Cisco交换机基本使用命令的掌握来开发一套图形界面的管理程序,对一个Cisco公司的三层交换机的各端口进行设置,来控制校园网某一子网在指定时间内的连通状态(公网、校园网、本局域网)。

通过对此课题的开发和研究,我们既可以深入研究交换机又可以运用当今最盛行的编程语言VB语言进行编程,为以后的软件开发打下伏笔。另外,本程序开发的代码完全公开,在编写代码的过程中做了详细、清晰的注释,对本程序感兴趣的同学可以很容易的理解本课题开发过程。 第2章   VB概述 计算机程序设计语言是人机对话、进行信息交换的工具。随着计算机信息技术的发展,计算机语言也不断由低级向高级发展,特别是自1954年以后,随着高级语言的出现和发展,计算机程序设计语言已发展到几百种,它们功能各异,特点不同。 Basic语言是受到国内外千百计算机爱好者欢迎的高级语言,由于它的语法规则容易理解和掌握,且具有实用价值,自1964年问世以来,很快为大众所接受。许多人由此入门而成长为计算机专业人才,可以说,Basic语言在普及、推广计算机应用中功不可没。 然而,后来在Windows环境下开发各种具有专门用途的应用程序,则是广大程序设计人员的任务了。许多用户要求在Windows环境下使用的软件都应该提供像Windows那样优美的界面和丰富的功能,这使得程序的编制变的越来越复杂。正当广大程序员困惑之时,Microsoft于1991年推出Visual Basic 1.0版。这真是“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”。它的推出使大批程序设计人员又有了用武之地,并能用它来编写出各种Windows应用程序。具有丰富多彩界面的应用程序如雨后春笋般大量涌现,使程序设计进入了一个崭新的阶段。 2.1 Visual Basic 简介 Visual 意为“可视化的”,指的是一种开发图形用户界面(GUI)的方法,使用这种方法,程序员不需编写大量代码去描述界面元素的外观和位置,只要把预先建立好的界面元素(例如按钮、列表框、标签之类)用鼠标拖放到屏幕的适当位置即可。所以Visual Basic (简称VB)是基于Basic的可视化的程序设计语言。在Visual Basic 中,一方面继承了早先Basic 各版本所具有的程序设计语言简单易用的特点;别一方面其编程系统采用了面向对象、事件驱动的编程机制,把Windows的编程复杂性封装起来,隐藏了Windows编程许多繁琐并难于理解的细节,提供了一种所见即所得的且功能强大的可视化开发工具。现在,从数值计算、数据库管理、电子通信、多媒体到internet应用,都可以用VB进行开发。与其他编程工具相比,VB更适于非专业人员使用,能高效、快捷地开发中小型应用程序。Visual Basic 6.0版是Microsoft公司在1998年推出的Visual Studio 6.0(可视化工作室)的一个构成部件。该版本根据用户对象不同,分为标准版、专业版和企业版。 标准版:是VB的基础版本,可以方便的建立Windows应用程序,具有建立Winsows主流应用程序所要的全部工具。包括所有的内部控件连同网络、数据绑定等控件,适用于初学者。 专业版:主要针对计算机专业开发人员,它除了具有标准版的全部功能外,还包括ActiveX 和Internet 控件的开发工具等高级特性。 企业版:VB的最高版本,是针对小组开发环境中建立分布式应用程序的编程人员的版本。它包括专业版本的全部功能,外加Visual SourceSafe(一种版本控制系统)和Automation and Component Manager(自动化和组件管理器)之类的工具。 2.2 Visual Basic 功能特点 1、提供可视化的编程方法 在VB中,应用面向对象的程序设计方法(OOP)把程序和数据封装起来视为一个对象。程序员在设计时只需要根据界面设计的要求,利用VB所提供的可视对象(窗体、控件、菜单等)进行应用程序的界面设计。实际操作时程序设计者可以自由地从VB提供的“工具箱”中取出所需控件对象,放到窗体中的指定位置,如同用各种不同的印章在一张画纸上盖出不同的图形来,而不必为此编写程序。也就是说,屏幕上的用户界面是用VB提供的可视化设计工具直接“画”出来的,而不是用程序“写”出来的,因此程序设计的效率可大大提高。 2、程序采取“事件驱动”方式 在设计好用户界面后,就开始编写程序代码。传统的编程方法要求设计者写出一个完整的程序,并且在程序运行时按程序中指定的顺序执行各指令,直到程序结束。因此,程序设计者必须十分周到地考虑到程序运行中的每一个细节:什么时候应发生什么事情,什么时候屏幕上应出现什么。因此对编写应用程序的设计人员提出较高的要求,对软件使用者的操作要求也过于严格。 用VB编写的程序采用事件驱动的机制,程序运行的顺序由用户的动作即事件掌握,每个事件都能驱动一段程序的运行。设计者只须编写响应用户动作的代码,而各个动作之间不一定有联系。这样的应用程序代码一般较短,所以程序既易于编写又易于维护,对用户来讲操作起来更加方便。 3、提供了易学易用的应用程序集成开发环境 在VB集成开发环境中,用户可设计界面、编写代码、调试程序,并直至把应用程序编译成可执行文件,在Windows中运行,使得程序设计者在友好的开发环境中工作。运行ternet 4、支持多种数据库系统的访问 利用数据控件或ODBC能够访问的数据库系统有:Microsoft  Access 、dBASE 、Microsoft  FoxPro 和 Paradox 等,也可访问Microsoft  Excel 、Lotus 1-2-3等多种电子表格。 5、ActiveX 技术 ActiveX技术发展了原有的OLE技术,它使开发人员摆脱了特定语言的束缚。可方便地使用标准的ActiveX 部件,调用标准的接口,实现特定的功能。

Campus Network Switch node management summary of this thesis (design) is a Visual Basic 6.0 programming environment to achieve, primarily looking at how to use switches and the use of VB programming language to develop a graphical interface Campus Network Switch node management procedures, the switch The port settings, modify a sub-network in the state of connectivity within a specified period of time. To complete the management process to easily manage the campus network switch node, reducing the administrator from time to time opened or closed subnet workload. The program comes with VB using the Winsock control to telnet to a switch port, and then the switch to send a series of commands to set the switches and ports of the relevant state Vlan; to switch sub-network related information, modify the subnet connectivity time status information is stored in a text file, use a timer control to access to these text files from time to time to decide whether to amend the status of a sub-network connectivity, and then use the Access Control List (Access Control List, ACL) to modify. By completing this topic, to deepen the understanding of the switch, and better to learn programming ideas to master the application of VB language to understand the software development process, and for the future lay the foundation for further research.

Key words VB, switches, Winsock Control

Port Subnet Administrator

Abstract: Accomplished in Visual Basic 6.0 programming environment, this graduation thesis mainly studies how to make use of the switch and employ VB Programming Language to develop an administration program of a series of graphical interfaces campus web switch modes, setting up the switch ports and modifying the state of connection of some subnet in a certain time. The program can conveniently control campus web switch nodes so as to decrease the administrator''s work load that he turns on or off the subnet timely. Using Winsock control in VB, the program telnet the some port in switch. Then, by sending a series of orders to the switch, it puts up the state of connection of switch VLAN and ports. When the information relative to the switch subnets and the time information about modifying the state of connection of subnets are stored in the text files, the program using a timer control to open these files timely in order to decide whether it is revised the state of connection of some subnet or not, and then it is employed ACL to revise it. By finishing this paper, I get deeper understanding about the switch, learn more about the programming thought, grasp the application of VB Programming Language and know the process of developing software. All of these aspects lay the good foundations of my further research in future.

Keywords: VB, Switch, Winsock control

Contents Contents 3

Introduction 4

VB outlined in Chapter 2 5

2.1 Visual Basic Introduction 5

2.2 Visual Basic features 6

In Chapter 3 Switch Overview 8

3.1 What is the three-switch 8

3.2 Virtual Local Area Network 9

3.3 Access Control List 11

Chapter IV subject to achieve the Function 13

Chapter V function realization 16

5.1 Calendar file realize 16

5.2 Winsock control to create a TCP / IP Communications 17

5.3 Timing of the implementation 20

Chapter 6 Conclusion 24

VII thanks 25

Chapter 8 References 26

Chapter 9 Appendix (Cisco Basic Command Set) 27


Introduction At present, has set off a worldwide information highway planning and construction of high tide, as its prototype, Internet (Internet) on a computer connected to almost reach tens of millions of units, hundreds of millions of people worldwide exchange of information on the Internet and a variety of business processing. Internet, has accumulated a wealth of information resources, these resources relate to the human face and engaged in various fields, industry and community public service information. Become the information age, the world''s largest information base to share. With the modern teaching activity and teaching institutions at home and abroad have become increasingly frequent contacts with each other, the school via the web complicated strong growing demand for information exchange. Therefore, in order to control the students in a course on the aircraft time to focus on the course of study and so on. The graduation project through the Visual Basic programming language to learn in-depth knowledge of Cisco switches and basic mastery of the use of command to develop a graphical interface, the management procedures, a Cisco company''s three-layer switch to set the port to control the campus Net of a sub-network within the specified time connectivity state (the public network, campus network, the local area network).

Through the development and research on this subject, we can either switch can also use in-depth study of today''s most popular programming language VB language programming, in order to lay the foreshadowing future software development. In addition, the program development of the code entirely open, in the process of writing code to do a detailed, clear notes, students interested in this program can easily understand the topic development process. VB outlined in Chapter 2, a computer programming language is a human-machine dialogue, exchange of information tools. With the computer information technology, computer language constantly from low level to high-level development, especially since 1954 onwards, with the emergence and development of high-level language, computer programming languages have been developed to hundreds of species, their different functions, different features. Basic language is subject to thousands of computer enthusiasts at home and abroad welcomed the high-level language, because of its easy to understand and master the grammar rules, and has practical value, since its inception in 1964, and soon accepted by the public. And many people started to grow for the computer professionals, we can say, Basic language in the popularity of computer applications in the promotion contributed. Later, however, developed under the Windows environment, uses a variety of specialized applications, while the vast number of programmers task. Many users require Windows environment, the software used should be provided as beautiful as the Windows interface and rich functionality, which makes the establishment of procedures become increasingly complex. While the general confusion when the programmer, Microsoft launched in 1991 version of Visual Basic 1.0. This is the "Mountain of heavy water re-doubt a blind alley and vista." It is the introduction of a large number of programmers, there has been useless, and use it to write all kinds of Windows applications. With a colorful interface applications such as mushroomed in large numbers, so that program design has entered a new stage. 2.1 Visual Basic Introduction Visual meaning "visualization" refers to a development of graphical user interface (GUI) way of using this method, the programmer need not write code for a large number of interface elements to describe the appearance and location of as long as the pre-establishment of a good interface elements (such as buttons, list boxes, labels and the like) to the screen with the mouse drag and drop the appropriate location. Therefore, Visual Basic (referred to as VB) is based on visual Basic programming language. In Visual Basic, on the one hand successor to the earlier versions of the Basic programming language has a simple and user-friendly features; other hand the use of object-oriented programming systems, event-driven programming mechanism, the complexity of Windows programming package up a number of hidden Windows programming cumbersome and difficult to understand the details, and provides a powerful WYSIWYG visual development tools. Now, from the numerical calculation, database management, electronic communications and multimedia applications to the internet, can be developed using VB. Compared with other programming tools, VB is more suitable for non-specialists to use, can be efficient, quick to develop small and medium sized applications. Visual Basic 6.0 version is the Microsoft Corporation in 1998, launched Visual Studio 6.0 (Visual Studio) is a constituent parts. This version based on user at different targets, divided into Standard Edition, Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition. Standard Edition: It is the basis of VB version, you can easily build Windows applications, with the establishment of Winsows mainstream applications to be all the tools. Including all the internal controls, together with the network, data binding controls for beginners. Professional Edition: The main developer for the computer science staff, in addition to its standard version has all the features, including ActiveX controls and Internet development tools such as advanced features. Enterprise Edition: VB maximum version, is aimed at team development environment to build distributed applications programmer version. It includes the professional versions of all of the features, plus Visual SourceSafe (a version control system) and the Automation and Component Manager (Automation and Component Manager) like tool. 2.2 Visual Basic features 1, providing a visual programming method in VB, the application of object-oriented programming design methodology (OOP) to programs and data encapsulated as an object together. Programmers in the design only need to interface design requirements, the use of VB provides visual objects (forms, controls, menus, etc.) the application''s interface design. Of the actual operational procedures from the VB designers are free to provide a "toolbox" in the control needed to remove the object, put the form in the specified location, as the seal with a variety of drawing paper in a different cover graphically, without having to do programming. In other words, the on-screen user interface is to use VB to provide visual design tools directly to "paint" out, rather than procedure "write" out, so the program design efficiency can be greatly improved. 2, the program to take "event-driven" approach in the design of a good user interface, began to write program code. Traditional programming approach requires the designer to write a complete program, and the program is running according to the procedure specified in the order of implementation of the directive until the end of the process. Therefore, the program designer must be very thoughtful consideration to the program is running in every detail: what happens when to, when what should appear on the screen. Therefore, the preparation of the application''s designers made a higher requirements, the software user''s operating requirements are too stringent. Using a program written in VB using event-driven mechanism, run by the user''s actions in the order that the events master, each event can be driven to run a program. Designers only need to write code to respond to user actions, while not necessarily linked between the various movements. This application code is generally much shorter, so the program is easy to prepare and easy to maintain, operate to the user in terms of more convenient. 3, provides easy-to-use application in the VB Integrated Development Environment Integrated development environment, the user can design interfaces, writing code, debugging procedures, and until the application is compiled into an executable file, in Windows, run, making programming the development in the friendly environment. Run ternet 4, supports a variety of database systems use data access control, or ODBC access to database systems: Microsoft Access, dBASE, Microsoft FoxPro, and Paradox, also can access Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 and other electronic form. 5, ActiveX technology, ActiveX technology development of the original OLE technology, which allows developers to get rid of the language-specific constraints. Can easily use standard ActiveX components, called standard interfaces to achieve a particular function.

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