1、 该系统能实现灵活的顾客信息录入功能
2、 能实现每期的顾客抽奖,保证中奖的人员不在继续中奖功能
3、 能实现不中奖的人员可以参加下期的抽奖功能
4、 能实现每期的中奖查询、打印、统计等功能
5、 开发工具用VB或VC++查阅相关技术资料,掌握数据库编程的相关知识
6、 按照淮阴工学院对毕业设计(论文)的要求,完成毕业论文的撰写与答辩以及相关外文资料的翻译工作
毕 业 设 计(论 文)任 务 书
1、 设计的软件要实现任务书中下达的要求,且运行相对可靠、稳定;
2、 源代码书写规范。
1 张莉,王强等著. SQL Server数据库原理及应用教程.北京:清华大学出版社,2003.7
2 (美)Michael Halvorson著. Visual Basic.NET程序设计. 北京:清华大学出版社,2002.7
3 王兴晶著. Visual Basic.NET数据库开发典型实例. 北京: 电子工业出版社,2002.9
4 邱忠潘 等译. ADO 与 ADO.NET 编程指南. 北京:电子工业出版社
5 张曜,张青,李丁编著.Visual Basic 函数实用手册.北京:冶金工业出版社,2002.11
6 张曜,郭立山,戴传智编著.Windows API 函数实用手册.北京:冶金工业出版社,2003.5
7 王光晶编著.Visual Basic.net应用编程150例.北京:电子工业出版社,2003.8
8 银华强编著.Visual Basic.net经典开发案例.北京:中国铁道出版社,2003.3
进入二十一世纪的今天,企业若要取得竞争优势,必须清楚了解客户的需求,并且建立稳固的客户关系。建立一个方便快捷的客户服务系统不仅可以汇总客户的信息资料以进行管理,而且会令客户感到购买该公司产品后所享受到良好的服务。虽然国内同类软件在各种彩票部门已有所使用,但是由于开发费用及资源利用空间的问题,普通大中型企业不需要一个如此庞大的软件。因此,研制一个小型抽奖系统是十分必要的,本系统正是基于以上的考虑,以Visual Basic6.0语言为开发工具,Access 2000 为数据库平台进行开发,形成了一套适合大中型企业使用的抽奖系统软件,为企业和用户带来一定的社会效益和经济效益。目前,该系统已在徐州汉高公司试运行,运行状况良好,得到了客户的好评。
关键字 客户信息 抽奖 软件设计
Title The Software of The Jiangsu province’s Xuz hou Hangao company’s Draws the system
As we enter the 21st century, enterprises in order to achieve competitive advantage, we must clearly understand the needs of customers, and establishing a solid client relations. Establishes a convenience quick customer service system not only to be possible to compile the customer the information paper by to carry on the management, after moreover will the customer feel purchases this company product to enjoy to the good service. Although the domestic similar software had the use in each kind of lottery ticket department, but as a result of the development cost and the resources use space question, the ordinary large and middle scale enterprises does not need a so huge software. Therefore, small develops to draw the system is extremely essential, this system is precisely based on the above consideration, Take Visual the Basic6.0 language as the development kit, Access 2,000 carries on the development for the database platform, formed a set to suit the large and middle scale enterprises to use draws the system software, brought the certain social efficiency and the economic efficiency for the enterprise and the user. At present, this system has tried in the Xuzhou Chinese high company to move, the movement condition was good, obtained the customer high praise.
Keywords: Customer information
Draws Software designing
1 系统登陆
(1) 登陆系统:由系统管理员根据对应的帐号和密码进入该系统。
(2) 信息输入:进入系统后登陆后台数据库,可以直接将客户的相关信息输入进数据库,同理也可以将某个客户的信息永久删除。
2 信息查询
(1) 客户的基本信息查询:能查询所有客户的基本信息和单个用户记录的详细情况;根据用户表中的用户的各种属性值进行模糊查询;能方便地对选中的记录进行修改。
(2) 中奖客户名单的查询:在程序主界面上有查询按钮,直接与后台数据库相连接,可以查到中奖与未中奖者的相关信息。
3 数据库操作
(1) 数据删除:能有选择地删除某一张表的数据或数据库中全部数据,本操作作用在减少数据冗余,可以对数据库中的数据进行有选择的删除即初始化。
(2) 动态数据更新:系统应具备灵活配置系统数据的能力,包括服务范围更新、机器更新、工程师更新、故障现象更新等。
(3) 数据备份和初始化:根据用户选择的路径对数据库进行手动备份,每天进行自动备份;对上次使用后的数据库作了备份后,为减少数据冗余,可以对数据库中的数据进行有选择的删除即初始化。
4 系统数据配置
(1) 密码管理:进入系统后登陆后台数据库,可以直接修改为新的帐号和密码。对各种性质的用户提供了添加删除和修改用户信息的功能。
(2) 用户权限配置:由管理员对客户的权限进行配置,使得客户不能对系统进入违规操作。
5 报表名单的输出和打印
(1) 管理户根据数据库中中奖名单的情况,自选字段,能够对重要报表进行打印。
2.2 性能需求分析
1 界面需求:具有友好的管理员操作界面,有良好的人机接口;方便系统管理员使用(如:操作键盘时支持回车键等)。
2 灵活性:系统应具有较灵活的更新操作,对特别的数据项(如:客户名、抽奖号码、性别、联系方式等)应具备实时添加的功能,尽量避免二次开发;对一段时间后数据库的内容进行有选择地删除、初始化。
3 稳定性:系统应具备长期持续工作的能力;使数据库的一致性控制在可操作范围内;避免因系统引起的死机现象。
4 安全性:有良好的管理员身份认证体制和灵活的密码更改模块;用户权限可以通过管理员灵活修改;然后进行响应的备份操作。
1. The Graduation Project (Thesis) source and the subject should be to achieve:
The company in order to increase product sales in the market, ready to draw the form to attract customers. The system is prepared to set up four awards each, one first prize, two second prize, third prize 4, Fourth Prize a number. The winning person is prohibited from further participation in the next issue of the lottery, no prize personnel information and personnel information into the emerging next draw. System has a query each winning personnel information, statistical analysis and other functions.
2. The Graduation Project (Thesis) contents and requirements of the task subjects (including raw data, technical requirements, work requirements, etc.):
1, the system can achieve a flexible customer information input function
2, able to draw each customer to ensure that staff do not continue to hit the jackpot winning feature
3, to achieve non-winning staff can participate in the next issue of drawing functions
4, to achieve each of the winning query, print, statistics and other functions
5, development tools with VB or VC + + access to relevant technical information, to master the relevant knowledge of database programming
6, according to the graduation Huaiyin Institute of Technology (thesis) requirements to complete the dissertation writing and defense as well as related information on translation of foreign language
Graduation Project (Thesis) mission statement
3. Of this graduation project (thesis) topic-based requirements 〔including charts, physical and other hardware requirements〕:
Software design must meet the following requirements:
1, design software to achieve the requirements of the task assigned the book, and the operation is relatively reliable and stable;
2, the source code for writing specifications.
Papers written in a clear hierarchy, reasoning thorough, concise, consistent with the Academy papers written specifications.
Words: 12,000 words or so
4. Main references:
1 Zhang Li, Wang Qiang waiting. SQL Server database theory and application of tutorials. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2003.7
2 (U.S.) Michael Halvorson forward. Visual Basic.NET programming. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2002.7
3 Wang Xingjing forward. Visual Basic.NET Database Development typical examples. Beijing: Electronic Industry Press, 2002.9
4 Qiu Pan et al Trans. ADO and ADO.NET Programming Guide. Beijing: Electronic Industry Press
5 Zhang Yao, Zhang Qing, Li Ding compiled. Visual Basic function is a practical manual. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press, 2002.11
6 Zhang Yao, Guo Li Shan, Tai Chi Chuan compiled. Windows API function, practical manual. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press, 2003.5
7 Wang Guangjing ed. Visual Basic.net application programming 150 cases. Beijing: Electronic Industry Press, 2003.8
8 Silver Huaqiang compiled. Visual Basic.net classic for development. Beijing: China Railway Press, 2003.3
Into the twenty-first century, businesses to gain competitive advantages, we must clearly understand customer needs and to build strong customer relationships. The establishment of a convenient and efficient customer service system can not only aggregate customer information for management and will enable customers to feel after the purchase of the company''s products enjoy good services. Although domestic lottery sector in a variety of similar software has been used, but due to development costs and resource use of space issues, general and medium-sized enterprises did not need such a large software. Therefore, the development of a small lottery system is very necessary, this system is based on the above considerations, in order to Visual Basic6.0 language development tools, Access 2000 database platform for the development, the formation of a suitable medium and large enterprises to use the lottery system software for enterprises and users a certain degree of social and economic benefits. At present, the system has been in Xuzhou Henkel test run, run good, get the customer''s praise.
Keywords Customer Information lottery software design
Graduation Project (Thesis) foreign language summary
Title The Software of The Jiangsu province''s Xuz hou Hangao company''s Draws the system
As we enter the 21st century, enterprises in order to achieve competitive advantage, we must clearly understand the needs of customers, and establishing a solid client relations. Establishes a convenience quick customer service system not only to be possible to compile the customer the information paper by to carry on the management, after moreover will the customer feel purchases this company product to enjoy to the good service. Although the domestic similar software had the use in each kind of lottery ticket department, but as a result of the development cost and the resources use space question, the ordinary large and middle scale enterprises does not need a so huge software. Therefore, small develops to draw the system is extremely essential, this system is precisely based on the above consideration, Take Visual the Basic6.0 language as the development kit, Access 2,000 carries on the development for the database platform, formed a set to suit the large and middle scale enterprises to use draws the system software, brought the certain social efficiency and the economic efficiency for the enterprise and the user. At present, this system has tried in the Xuzhou Chinese high company to move, the movement condition was good, obtained the customer high praise.
Keywords: Customer information
Draws Software designing
According to the user''s specific requirements and in the future may need to add functionality, the system should include the following features:
1 System Log
(1) landing system: the system administrator according to the corresponding account number and password to access the system.
(2) Information Input: After landing back into the system database, can be directly related to customer information is entered into the database, empathy can also be a client of the information permanently deleted.
2 Information Query
(1) The customer''s basic information query: can check all the customers basic information and the details of individual user record; according to the user table in the user''s fuzzy queries of various attribute values; can easily be modified on the selected records.
(2) winning customer list of queries: In the main program interface, there are check buttons, directly connected with the back-end database, can be found with non-prize winners of the relevant information.
Three database operations
(1) Data Delete: given an option to delete a single table of data or a database all the data, the role of this operation to reduce data redundancy, data in the database can be carried out selectively delete or initialization.
(2) dynamic data updating: The system should have the flexibility to configure the system data capacity, including scope of service updates, update the machine, engineers, update, Failure updates.
(3) Data backup and initialization: According to the user to choose the path of the database manual backup, automatic backup on a daily basis; right after the last use of the database were backed up, in order to reduce data redundancy, you can in the database Selective deletion of data that is initialized.
4 System Data configuration
(1) Password management: into the system after landing back-end database, you can directly modify the new account and password. The nature of the various offers users to add delete and modify user information function.
(2) The user rights configuration: permission by the administrator to configure the client so that customers can not enter the illegal operations of the system.
5 reports the output of the list and print
(1) The management of household according to the list of winning in the database, optional field that can be printed on important statements.
2.2 Performance Requirements Analysis
An interface requirements: have a friendly administrator interface, there is a good man-machine interface; to facilitate system administrators to use (such as: time support keyboard enter key, etc.).
2 Flexibility: The system should have a more flexible update operation on the particular data items (such as: customer name, lottery numbers, gender, contact, etc.) should have time to add features to avoid secondary development; for a period of time the contents of the database to selectively delete, initialize.
3 Stability: The system should have the ability to work long-term sustainability; the consistency of the database within the framework of operational control; to avoid the system crashes caused by the phenomenon.
4 Safety: There is a good administrator authentication system and a flexible password change module; user permissions can be modified by the administrator and flexible; and then proceed to respond to the backup operation.