摘 要:本论文介绍了基于VC++的图像浏览器的开发过程。该软件依据图形学的基本原理以及MFC类库开发而成,用于实现基本的图像浏览功能以及像的编辑、保存与修改等功能。程序开发过程中采用了面向对象技术,易于扩充和维护。它的设计与开发,为图形软件的研究提供了一个直观、便捷的集成环境,为今后图像系统的大规模开发提供了一个良好的平台。
关键词: 图像; MFC; 文档; 浏览器
Abstract: This paper introduced the VC + + based on the image browser''s development process. The graphics software based on the basic principles and the MFC class library and was developed for the realization of the basic image browsing and as the editor, save and edit, and other functions. Procedures used in the process of developing object-oriented technology and easy expansion and maintenance. Its design and development, graphics software for the study provides an intuitive and convenient integrated environment for future large-scale development of the imaging system provides a good platform.
Key words: image; MFC; documents; browser
第一章 绪论 2
1.1文档视图结构 2
1.2 DIB类的设计 3
1.3同步缓冲和多线程并行处理 5
1.4 多线程MFC图像处理程序的实现 6
1.5程序测试实验 8
第二章 Visual C++ 的MFC 程序开发 9
2.1DOS中C/C++应用程序的运行过程 9
2.2MFC应用程序的运行过程 10
2.3涉及的主要函数的作用 11
第三章 基于MFC的图像处理程序 13
3.1MFC简介 13
3.2软件界面及功能介绍 14
3.3软件的基本数据结构 14
3.4软件的实现 16
3.5文件存储和读取 17
第四章 实现图像浏览器功能实现 19
4.1工程的建立与基本界面的生成 19
4.2视与视之间的通信 22
参考文献 25
Abstract: This paper describes the image based on VC + + browser development process. The software is based on the basic principles of graphics, as well as developed with MFC class library for the realization of the basic image browsing functions, and, like the edit, save and modify functions. The process of program development using object-oriented technology, easy to expand and maintain. Its design and development of the study for the graphics software provides an intuitive, convenient integrated environment for future large-scale development of imaging systems provides a good platform.
Key words: image; MFC; documents; your browser
Abstract: This paper introduced the VC + + based on the image browser''s development process. The graphics software based on the basic principles and the MFC class library and was developed for the realization of the basic image browsing and as the editor, save and edit, and other functions. Procedures used in the process of developing object-oriented technology and easy expansion and maintenance. Its design and development, graphics software for the study provides an intuitive and convenient integrated environment for future large-scale development of the imaging system provides a good platform.
Key words: image; MFC; documents; browser
Chapter 2 Introduction
1.1 Structure of 2 Document View
1.2 DIB class design 3
1.3 Synchronous buffering and multi-threaded parallel processing of 5
More than 1.4 threaded MFC implementation of image processing procedures 6
1.5 procedures for testing laboratories, eight
Chapter II Visual C + + for MFC Programming 9
2.1DOS in C / C + + application is running 9
2.2MFC the application is running 10
2.3 The main functions involved in the role of 11
Chapter III of the MFC-based image processing program 13
3.1MFC Introduction 13
3.2 Software Interface and Function 14
3.3 software, the basic data structure 14
3.4 Software implementation of 16
3.5 file storage and reading 17
Chapter IV Implementation of Image browser functionality to achieve 19
4.1 The establishment of engineering and basic interface generated 19
4.2 look and visual communication between the 22
References 25